www.corpun.com : A-Z page 2 of 3 |
This is not by any means a complete index to the website, but a selection of links enabling you to jump direct to certain significant documents on a number of specific topics. For certain words or topics, this will produce a more focused result than the site's internal search engine. But do use the search engine if you want to be certain of finding every instance of a particular keyword anywhere in the website. Use the search engine anyway, if you don't find the term you are seeking in this A to Z.
Caning, judicial penalty, Australia
- Youth is ordered two 15-stroke canings in addition to imprisonment, 1889
- Magistrate orders parents to cane teenage sons under police supervision, 1956
Caning, judicial penalty, Botswana
- new legislation extends range of offences for which it may be ordered, press report, 2005
- typical court sentence, illustrated press report, 2004
Caning, judicial penalty, Brunei
- foreigners caned for illegal entry to country, 2004
- history, legislation, modus operandi, pictures: detailed feature article
Caning, judicial penalty, Hong Kong
- British sailors caned, press report, 1954
- covering legislation, 1981
- rules for infliction, 1954
- typical court sentences, press reports, 1951
Caning, judicial penalty, Indonesia
- first official use as Islamic punishment in Aceh province, 2005
Caning, judicial penalty, Kenya
- corporal punishment to be abolished, 2000
- still being ordered by courts despite theoretical abolition, 2002
- schoolboys ordered to be caned, 1960
- typical court sentences, press reports, 1999
Caning, judicial penalty, Malaysia
- Penalty to be extended to men over 50 in cases of rape, 2003
- Aaron Cohen illustrated story: New Zealander aged 24 caned in 1991
- extension of caning of Muslims for religious offences, 2000
- first-person account, 1982, including official photograph of prisoner prepared for caning
- history, legislation, modus operandi, pictures, first-person accounts: detailed feature article
- introduced for illegal immigrants, 2002
- photographs of equipment used
- photograph of bleeding buttocks immediately after caning (allegedly)
- proposal to carry it out in public for certain offences, 2002 (note: this was never enacted)
- statistics: almost 80,000 canings from 2005 to 2011 -- news report
- typical court sentences, press reports, 1956
- typical court sentences, press reports, 1998
- will henceforth also be a penalty for illegal moneylenders, 2003
Caning, judicial penalty, Pakistan
- general overview (with video clips)
- another eyewitness account (illustrated), 1979
- photo sequence showing a public caning in c.1978
- mass flogging in jail, description, 1983
- more photographs of public canings
Caning, judicial penalty, Singapore
- Caning of Michael Fay, The, book review
- history, legislation, modus operandi, pictures, first-person accounts: detailed feature article
- official diagram showing procedure
- Michael Fay affair, 1994, overview
- Michael Fay affair, 1994, large selection of press coverage
- Michael Fay affair, 1994, political and diplomatic backdrop, repercussions on US-Singapore relations, book review
- typical court sentences, press reports, 1956
- typical court sentences, press reports, 2000
Caning, judicial penalty, South Africa
- comprehensive historical survey, article in 12 parts
- alleged eyewitness description, 1956
- caning sentence (adult), illustrated press report, 1980
- caning sentences (juvenile), press reports, 1976
- caning sentence on four men, press report, 1964
- 1959 controversy over noise made by culprits being caned
- 1977 legislation providing for "whipping", in practice always inflicted with a cane
Caning, judicial penalty, South Korea
Caning, judicial penalty, Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon)
- juvenile caning sentence, typical court case, 1978
Caning, judicial penalty, Sudan
- juvenile tribal court punishment in British colonial era (pre-1955)
Caning, judicial penalty, Tanzania
- typical court sentence, 1964
- typical court sentence, 2003
Caning, judicial penalty, Uganda
- typical court sentence, 2004
Caning, judicial penalty, Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia)
- Caning sentence on 16-year-old boy, court report, 2002
- Talk for magistrates on the use of judicial cuts, 1964
Caning of junior seamen, UK Royal Navy
- Abolished, 1967
- Eye-witness description, 1903
- overview of its use in 20th century
Caning, reformatories, Hong Kong
- rules for infliction, 1959
Caning, reformatories, UK
- overview of CP in Approved Schools and other youth institutions, with external links and extracts from official reports
- caning of absconders, deterrent value assessed, statistical study, 1960s
- Court Lees affair, 1967: feature article with links to large selection of press coverage
- Northern Ireland borstal, legislation introduced to allow caning of inmates, 1930
- Northern Ireland borstal, canings still being given in 1970s, details of procedure
- at least 15 local authorities still allowing caning in community homes in 1981, including of girls in one area
Caning, schools, Australia
- South Australia, headmasters outline their policies, 1962
- Victoria, rules forbid caning in State schools, only strap may be used, 1966
Caning, schools, England and Wales
- illustrated overview, with links to relevant documents
- became more prevalent than birching in late 19th century, discussion of reasons
- boy shows bruised buttocks after private school caning, court clears headmaster of assault, 1987
- Bunter, Billy, quintessential fictional private schoolboy, humorous article and cartoon
- Bunter, Billy, books updated, caning descriptions toned down, 1982
- cane factory plans to discontinue production, picture of product being tested, 1994
- controversy over caning powers in state schools in London, 1886
- court clears caning teacher of assault, 1969
- Eton canings by senior boys recalled, continued until 1960s
- Eton caning of 16-year-old aristocrat by house captain, 1965
- girls caned in front of whole school, 1948
- mass caning after meals sit-in, 1978
- on the hands or on the bottom? state school practice discussed
- parents call for return of the cane, 2000
- police raid cane retailer's premises, 1953
- Purley High School for Boys, heavy-caning state school near London, feature article
- schoolboy awarded court damages for 1982 caning
- sociological study of caning in private schools, 1964
- statistics: Tyneside schools, 1983
- teacher canes entire class of boys, 1954
Caning, schools, Germany
- legislation regulating use in elementary schools, 1903
- school students caned in Posen, Prussia (now Poznan, Poland), 1901
- ended in Bavaria by 1970, cane consigned to museum
- upheld by courts, but local authorities trying to stop it, 1968 magazine article
- not fully abolished until 1983, brief historical overview
Caning, schools, Ghana
- 42 final-year secondary students caned after going on rampage, 2003
- said to be used frequently, rules quoted, 2005
Caning, schools, Ireland
- regulations changed to allow posterial as well as hand caning, 1966
- abolished in 1982, became a criminal act in 1996
- politician calls for its restoration, 2002
Caning, schools, Kenya
- arguments against abolition, 2000
- excessive caning of students alleged, 1999
- corporal punishment to be abolished, 2000
- abolition takes effect, 2001; chaos ensues
- still being used in defiance of government ban, 2002
Caning, schools, Malaysia
- boy caned in front of whole school, 1999
- compulsory caning for students who smoke, 1997
- effective element of strict discipline in Chinese-medium schools, 1996
- eight secondary boys caned for breaking windows while playing football, 2005
- only school principals may cane, 1996
- overview, including more new rules, 2007
- proposals for increased use, 2000
- rules changed to allow all teachers to cane, 2003
- school sets up special disciplinary court at which parents will be invited to administer canings, 2005
- still in use for serious offences, illustrated, 2003
- statistics: 4,835 students caned in Negri Sembilan in 1996
- statistics: 1,881 students caned in Johor in first 9 months of 2003
- statistics: 9,348 students caned for smoking in two months, 1997
Caning, schools, New Zealand
- overview, 1956 press article
- of boys at Nelson College from 1856 to 1983 (including by prefects until 1969), long 1997 press article including anecdotes, history, reminiscences
- abolished in 1990 but Christian school still using the cane in 1998
- boys' canings videotaped in experiment by headmaster, 1981
- Caning: Education Ritual, by Joseph Mercurio, 1969 research study, book review
- caning of boys in a mixed-sex city state secondary school, 1960s, anecdotal account
- high school fails in attempt to abolish caning by prefects, 1942
- majority opinion wants caning restored, 1997
- political party delegates want it brought back but leadership rules it out, 2004
Caning, schools, St Kitts & Nevis
- government announces it will not be abolished, 2005
Caning, schools, Singapore
- present-day caning of secondary boys, illustrated overview
- 16 boys caned for taking upskirt photos of their female teachers, 2016
- 41 boys caned for failing to turn up for test, 2001
- boys caned for smoking, 1999
- caning permitted for boys only, 1957 regulations
- five boys get public caning for stealing other students' mobile phones, 2004
- overview of current situation and video clips of public caning
- seven Junior College students caned for theft, 1987
- six boys caned in front of school assembly for assault, 1999
- US reporter finds 'unthinkable' level of discipline, backed by cane in principal's office, 1997
- 70% of public approve of CP, 2004
- 80% of teachers approve of using cane, 1997
Caning, schools, Scotland
- state schools used tawse on hands but many private schools used cane, feature article
Caning, schools, South Africa
- 37 students get trousers-down caning, in defiance of legal ban on CP, for failing biology test, 2004
- abolition challenged by Christian schools as unconstitutional, 1998; legal case fails
- calls for reintroduction, 1999
- further calls for reintroduction, 2000
- chaos and violence in schools following abolition, press report, 1997
- mass caning over haircuts, press report, 1981
- photograph of classroom caning in progress, 1990s
- rules for infliction, 1981
- rural schools still caning in defiance of ban, press report, 2000
- 15-year-old boy shows bruised backside after 'six of the best', 1989
Caning, schools, South Korea
- details of present-day practice
- of girls, video clips of real-life punishment
- banned in 1998, partly restored in 1999
- detailed rules introduced, 2002
- statistics: 7,536 out of 10,381 schools allow it, 2003
Caning, schools, Uganda
- secondary schoolboy gets five strokes for calling teacher by nickname, 2004
Cat o' nine [or six] tails
- judicial corporal punishment in Britain: illustrated article
- court sentences in Australia, 1884
- court sentence in Australia, 1957
- government circular to UK prisons re ordering and disposal, 1951
- inflicted in Trinidad as court sentence, 2001
- on the upper back, as judicial punishment for adult men, UK, pre-1948, eyewitness account
- on the upper back, as judicial punishment for adult men, UK, pre-1948, eyewitness description of after-effects
- only known picture of UK judicial flogging with, c.1910, and discussion of cat's demise in 20th century
- over the bare breech, UK Royal Navy boy sailors, 19th century, illustrated feature article
- politicians and media call for its restoration as punishment for rape, The Bahamas, 2002
- statistics for judicial flogging with, UK, 1898/99
Columnists, see Opinion columns
Court cases involving sentences of judicial CP (sample)
- Afghanistan, lashing with whip, 1997
- Australia, birching, 1930
- Australia, juvenile birching, 1957
- Australia, caning, 1956
- Australia, cat-o'-nine-tails, 1957
- Bahamas, flogging, instrument not specified, 1995
- Botswana, caning, 2004
- Brunei, caning, 1996
- Canada, leather strap, 1950
- Canada, leather strap, 1965
- Cyprus, caning, 1956
- Fiji, caning, 1998
- Guernsey, birching, 1930
- Guernsey, birching, 1968
- Guyana, whipping, instrument not specified, 1946
- Hong Kong, caning, 1954
- Indonesia, flogging with whip, 1999
- Iran, flogging with whip, 1956
- Iran, flogging, instrument not specified, 1997
- Ireland, birching, 1943
- Isle of Man, birching, 1948
- Isle of Man, birching, 1966
- Isle of Man, caning, 1962
- Jamaica, tamarind switch, 1994
- Jersey, birching, 1936
- Jersey, birching, 1954
- Kenya, caning, 1960
- Kenya, caning, 1999
- Malaysia, caning, 1978
- Malaysia, caning, 2000
- New Zealand, birching, 1902
- Nigeria, caning, 1998
- Nigeria, flogging, instrument not specified, 2000
- Papua New Guinea, caning, 1966
- Saudi Arabia, flogging, instrument not specified, 1999
- Singapore, caning, 1974
- Singapore, caning, 1996
- Somalia, public floggings, 2006
- South Africa, caning, 1964
- South Africa, caning, 1981
- Sri Lanka, caning, 1956
- Sri Lanka, caning, 1997
- Sudan, flogging, instrument not specified, 1999
- Swaziland, caning, 1999
- Tanzania, caning, 1965
- Trinidad & Tobago, birching, 1997
- Uganda, caning, 1996
- United Arab Emirates, flogging, 1977
- United Arab Emirates, caning, 1995
- UK (England), cat o' nine tails, 1867
- UK (England), adult birching, 1931
- UK (England), juvenile birching, 1937
- UK (Scotland), juvenile birching, 1920
- USA, spanking with shoe, 1921
- USA, leather belt, 1925
- USA, lashing with willow wands, 1931
- USA, hand spanking, 1962
- USA, leather belt, 1963
- USA, leather belt, 1968
- USA, leather belt, 1995
- USA, hand spanking, 1997
- USA, paddle, 2001
- USA, paddle, 2002
- Yemen, flogging, instrument not specified, 1997
- Zambia, caning, 1960
- Zambia, caning, 1996
- Zimbabwe, caning, 1960
- Zimbabwe, caning, 1971
Domestic corporal punishment, see Spanking/smacking
Eton College, see Birching/schools/England and Caning/schools/England
Eyewitness accounts (judicial/prison CP) (see also First-person accounts)
- Australia, caning of youths on order of court, 1956
- Bangladesh, public flogging by village court, 1987
- Canada, prison strapping, 1950s
- Hong Kong, judicial canings, 1980s
- Indonesia, public whipping in Aceh province after introduction of Islamic courts, 1999
- Iran, on-the-spot lashing, 1956
- Iran, public judicial floggings, 2001
- Jersey (Channel Islands), birching of teenage boy, 1950s
- Nigeria, public floggings, 2002
- Pakistan, judicial canings, c. 1980
- (Papua) New Guinea, canings of German civilians by Australian troops, 1914
- Singapore, judicial canings, 1970s
- South Africa, illegal flogging of Chinese coolies, 1905
- South Africa, adult judicial canings, detailed accounts, 1950s-1980s
- South Africa, juvenile judicial canings, detailed account, 1950s
- Sudan, juvenile judicial caning, British colonial era
- United Kingdom, caning of boy sailors as internal navy punishment, 1903
- United Kingdom, judicial flogging with cat-o'-nine-tails, 1867
- United States, teen boys spanked in open court, 1962
- United States, paddling in Colorado prison, 1951
Eyewitness accounts (military CP)
- United Kingdom, regimental strappings in British Army, 1830s
Eyewitness accounts (school CP) (see also First-person accounts)
- United Kingdom, boys tawsed on bare posterior, Scotland, 1940s
- United Kingdom, four bullies given six strokes of the cane each on stage, boarding school, 1976
- United States, teen boys paddled in Texas principal's office, 1991
- United States, seventh-grader's paddling described by teacher witness, probably c.1960s
Female recipients of corporal punishment
- 15 Kentucky high-school girls given choice of paddling or expulsion, USA, 1971
- 17 senior girls paddled for inappropriate attire at school prom, Alabama, USA, 2010 (with video clip)
- 17 young women whipped for adultery in Sudan, 2002
- 107 prostitutes caned in Nigeria, 2001
- 21-year-old (pictured) has gone back to school and must accept caning just like her classmates, Uganda, 2005
- African student nurses allegedly caned at hospital, South Africa, 1961
- airline hostess caned for not fastening her seatbelt, S. Rhodesia, 1952
- boarding school girls allegedly caned in Ireland, 1937
- Botswana school headmaster canes five girls on buttocks for wearing wrong uniform, 2009
- boys paddled in school more often than girls, Florida, press report, 1981
- caning of 13 girls caught on camera, South Africa, 2013 (with video clip)
- caning of girls prohibited in Queensland, Australia, 1934
- caning of girls not allowed since 1952 in Malaysia, but some Chinese-medium primary schools do not follow this rule, according to columnist, 2003
- caning of girls not illegal in New Zealand, though some deem it "unacceptable", 1981
- cheerleader Amber Page, aged 17, paddled at Texas school, press report and picture, 1999
- Christian school in UK punishes boys with ruler but girls with strap, press report, 1999
- Christian school in Pennsylvania: three paddled girls pictured, 2000
- Christian woman whipped under Islamic law, Sudan, 2004
- classroom paddling of senior girls (jocular), USA, 2012 (video clip)
- corporal punishment of girls in Liverpool schools must be administered by a woman teacher, 1981
- court orders caning for girl, 14, Tanzania, 2008
- doctor spanks teenage employee, Australia, 2004
- expatriate girl, 15, sentenced to 90 lashes for adultery, United Arab Emirates, 2003
- father spanks daughter in front of her high school class, USA, 2004
- father pleads guilty to spanking his teenage daughters with their pants down, USA, 1997
- female dissident gets "stripes with a rod" in Austria, 1852
- female army recruits caned during training, Sri Lanka, video clip, 2013
- female gamblers caned in Indonesia, 2005
- female inmate of institution, 17, allegedly whipped with belt, USA, 2003
- female jailer gets 300 lashes for running brothel, Saudi Arabia, 2002
- female prisoner flogged in New York, 1878
- female prisoners strapped in reformatory, Canada, 1948
- female student, 19, complains of bruised and swollen buttocks after caning for school truancy, Thailand, 2004
- female students spanked over college tutor's knee in UK, c.2000
- Filipina maid sentenced to caning in UAE, 1995
- Filipina maid sentenced to 100 lashes, Qatar, 2006
- First-ever caning of women in Malaysia, 2010
- five girls caned in front of whole school, UK, 1948
- four schoolgirls caned by senior mistress after staging "sit-in", UK, 1978
- girl (pictured), 16, whipped by mother, takes her to court, USA, 1928
- girl, 16, flogged for allegedly having an affair, Afghanistan, 2012
- girl, 16, faces lashing for pre-marital sex, Maldives, 2012
- girl, 11, claims to have been spanked at school four times in one month, Dallas, USA, 1971
- girl, 11, allegedly bruised by school paddling, Georgia, USA, 2013 (with video clip)
- girl student shown in TV documentary opting to receive a paddling in the principal's office in lieu of Saturday detention, USA, 2008 (video clip)
- girl students apparently as likely to be caned as boys in South Korean schools, unlike most countries, present-day overview of S. Korea
- girl pupils must not be given corporal punishment, Singapore regulations, 1957
- girls are just as bad as boys and should be caned, letter to newspaper, Malaysia, 2004
- girls may be caned only on buttocks at Leicestershire reformatories, UK, 1981
- girls caned regularly at London school, 1978
- girls exempted by law from caning in Malaysian schools, press report, 1996
- girls may be paddled in Oklahoma schools, press report, 1982
- girls at Ohio high school demand the option of being paddled, 1988
- girls not to be physically punished, Berne, Switzerland, 1900
- girls punished less because they are less violent than boys, newspaper column, 1996
- girls of 13 allegedly slippered by scripture teacher, UK, 1977
- girls sentenced to judicial canings, Transkei (South Africa), 1980
- girl thief sentenced to be whipped in UK, 1822, despite abolition of JCP for females by that date
- girl whipped by court order, USA, 1878
- girl, 15, gets 20 lashes in court, USA, 1901
- girl, 19, spanked by bus conductor, UK, 1955
- girl, 19, caned by mother for wearing slacks, UK, 1939
- girls no longer to be flogged for staying out late or growing their hair too long, Fiji, 2015
- guidance to head teachers on caning of girls, UK, 1976
- hazel rod applied to women's buttocks under Saxon Code 1855 (Germany), abolished 1870
- headmaster (pictured) smacked girls' bare bottoms in 1970s, UK press report
- headmistress (pictured) cleared of assault after caning girl of 14 (pictured) over her knickers, UK, 1976
- headmistress fined for assault after caning girl, UK, 1919
- High Court rules spanking wife legal, Iowa, USA, 1959
- high-school girls caned over skirt, South Africa, 2016 (video clip)
- homecoming queen paddled at Ohio school, 2000
- housemaids sentenced to jail and flogging for running away, Saudi Arabia, 2007
- housewife given 30 lashes for arson, Nigeria, 2003
- independent school in UK (Rodney, Nottinghamshire) still caning girls in 1994
- Indian schoolgirls caned on the hands, video clips
- Iran to speed up flogging of women, 2005
- Korean schoolgirls caned or paddled in class, several video clips
- Lady Lewisham says she was spanked by her mother, Barbara Cartland, UK, 1963
- lashings for teen lesbians, Nigeria, 2005
- lawsuit over paddling of 7-year-old girl in class, USA, 1930
- lawsuit threatened over teen girl's school paddling, USA, 1997
- lawsuit over 18-year-old's school paddling raises question whether legally she is an adult woman, USA, 2005
- lawyer who spanked his female clients, USA, 1990s
- lesbians caned in Nigeria, 2008
- less than 10% of Indiana school paddlings are of girls, press report, 1979
- maid, aged 17, allegedly caned by employer, UK, 1954
- majority of teachers favour CP for girls as well as boys, Australia, 1982
- Malaysian schoolgirls could face caning, 2007
- mass caning of teenage schoolgirls, Vietnam, c.2010, video clip
- mass caning of girls in Vietnam, another video clip
- mass spanking of girls and boys in Vietnam, video clip
- Melbourne, Australia, girls spanked by U.S. police, 1942
- members of girls' high school basketball team paddled by coach, USA, 2003
- mother of three caned by unofficial village court, India, 2006
- middle school girl paddled in sorority hazing, USA, 1996
- Moslem "kangaroo" court in Bangladesh sentences young woman to 101 lashes, 1995
- nursing home boss spanked female staff, press report, 1992
- on-the-spot flogging of woman in street secretly filmed, Afghanistan, 2001
- parents complain about principal paddling 15-year-old girls, USA, 1952 (with cartoon)
- police lash female teacher in front of her students after she hit girl with shoe, Saudi Arabia, 2004
- pregnant teenage girl to be caned in Nigeria, 2000
- President of Liberia is pictured caning his own daughter in front of class, 2001
- principal arrested after paddling 17-year-old girl student in Oklahoma, 1985
- principal mistakes lady teacher for a student and canes her, Malaysia, 2007
- public flogging for girls in Sudan, 1999
- public spanking sentence for young girl Communist, USA, 1930
- rape victim, 15, ordered to be flogged, Maldives, 2013
- reformatory girls get the tawse with their skirts lifted up, UK, 1923
- reformatory girls punished with slap in face and made to wear gingham, N. Dakota, c.1940
- reformatory girls spanked and caned by Sisters of Mercy, Ireland, 1980
- Saudi girls flogged for attack on orphanage head, 2011
- school beauty queen paddled for kissing, Oklahoma, 1981
- schoolgirl, 14, ready to be caned on return from school after running away, UK, 1962
- schoolgirl, 17, says she cannot sit down after 19 strokes of the cane, Swaziland, 2013
- schoolgirl receives 13 strokes of the cane in solemn ceremony, Thailand, 2008 (video clip)
- schoolgirl and schoolboy pictured being whipped in school grounds, Nigeria, 2011
- schoolgirl's paddling allegedly left welts, USA, 2008
- schoolgirl Jada Watt, 16, paddled by Texas high school vice-principal despite rule that CP was to be administered by person of the same sex, 2012, pictures, video clips and press reports
- schoolgirl Jessica Serafin, paddled at Texas school at age 18, raising legal issue whether parents' consent still valid, 2005, press report
- schoolgirl Karen McAdoo, caned while held over desk aged 15 in 1976, UK, press report
- schoolgirl Karen McAdoo (see above), description of her caning
- schoolgirl Lynne Simmons, caned over knickers in headmistress's office aged 15 in 1976, UK, illustrated press reports
- schoolgirl (presumably Lynne Simmons, see above) awarded £1,200 compensation for caning on buttocks, UK, 1982
- schoolgirl Shelly Gaspersohn, paddled in N. Carolina aged 17 in 1981, picture and press report
- schoolgirl Sue Olds, caned on several occasions at Bacon's school in London, 1978, picture and press report
- schoolgirl Tamara May Torbert, spanked with belt by own mother at age 15 in Texas school principal's office, 1977, pictures and press reports
- schoolgirl Taylor Santos, paddled by Texas high school vice-principal despite rule that CP was to be administered by person of the same sex, 2012, pictures, video clips and press reports
- schoolgirls choose paddling option in Oklahoma, then complain about it, 1999
- schoolgirls may not be strapped in Victoria, Australia, but some think they ought to be, 1959
- schoolgirls protest at being made liable to CP, UK, 1976
- schoolgirls allegedly spanked with ruler at private school, Australia, 1955
- schoolgirls to be caned on thighs under new rules, South Korea, 2002
- schoolgirls spanked in front of assembled school, United Arab Emirates, 2003
- schoolgirl Winnie Acan, 12, dislocated elbow when she put her hand behind while being caned, 2004, picture and press report
- schoolgirls and schoolboys caned and paddled in class, video clips, Vietnam, 2000s
- school mistress spanked by school manager, UK, 1962
- senior girls spanked at Tennessee school, still approve of spanking, press report, 1999
- senior schoolgirl attributes exam success to canings, Uganda, 2004
- senior schoolgirls Gillian Wells and Mary Hale punished with clothes brush across bare buttocks by headmaster, UK, 1964
- another account of the above case
- senior schoolgirls spanked by assistant principal for using bathroom, Texas, 2010 (with video clip)
- six girls aged 14 and 15 caned in front of 600 other pupils, UK, 1961
- six 13-year-old girls caned at Rodney School, UK, press report, 1994
- Spanked wife says "I deserved it", UK, 1950
- State Home for Girls upholds use of leather strap on inmates aged up to 21, USA, 1910
- storm over caning of girl at UK reformatory, press report, 1980
- Sudanese schoolgirls caned on hands, video clip, 2014
- Swazi princess (pictured), 17, whipped by palace official, 2005
- tabloid columnist opposes introduction of school CP for girls in the name of sexual equality, UK, 1976
- teacher attacked for caning girls, New Zealand, 1890
- teacher was right to cane girl, 14, says judge, UK, 1961
- teachers' union objects to ban on caning girls, Singapore, 2004
- teenage girl receives 100 lashes in public, Afghanistan, 1998
- teenage girl frequently whipped by step-parents, memoir of colonial life in Kenya c. 1940s, book review
- teenage girls flogged in Afghanistan for trying to escape forced marriages, 2010 (with video clip)
- Texas school district changes rules so that male administrators may now paddle girls, 2012, news items, pictures and video clip
- two housemaids sentenced to floggings for sorcery, Saudi Arabia, 2010
- typist, 16, pictured, given choice of spanking by boss or the sack, chose the spanking, UK, 1961
- university women allege sorority paddlings, Florida, 1999
- video clips show canings of schoolgirls in class, Thailand, 2000s
- video clip shows schoolgirl being publicly caned by headmaster, Sierra Leone, c.2007
- village chiefs urged to carry on caning women, Botswana, 2005
- waitress ordered by religious court to be caned for drinking, Malaysia, 2009
- wife ordered by court to be spanked by husband for drunkenness, Canada, 1945
- woman and man caned on the seat by Zimbabwe police for adultery, video clip, 2014
- woman and man publicly caned by village court in Uganda, 2012, video clip
- woman and man publicly flogged by local court in Afghanistan, 2016, news item with video clip
- woman, 18, nude from the waist down, allegedly spanked by police officer in Texas, USA, 2007
- woman, 20, sent to foster house for girls and sentenced to 60 lashes for running away from home, Saudi Arabia, 2007
- woman, 24, pictured, caned illegally by Botswana court, 2013
- woman, pictured, 29, gets divorce on cruelty grounds after being spanked by husband, Kenya, 1948
- woman publicly caned for adultery, Kenya, 2015, video clip
- woman sentenced to caning in Indonesia for adultery, 2014
- woman, 53, wins $1.7 million in compensation for workplace spanking, USA, 2006
- woman student, 42, tells of spanking by professor, 82, USA, 2006
- woman's unofficial public flogging by Taliban captured on video, Pakistan, 2009
- woman caned for stealing avocado fruits from tree, Uganda, 2004
- woman gets 53 lashes for wearing trousers (also video clip), Sudan, 2010
- woman police trainee describes alleged spanking by inspector, UK, 1981
- woman sentenced to 200 lashes for torturing maid, Saudi Arabia, 2001
- woman sentenced to flogging by village headman for insulting her mother, Botswana, 2007
- women partygoers flogged in Iran, 2001 (illustrated)
- women stripped and flogged under German colonial rule, Cameroon, 1894
- women whipped with nettles by villagers, Ecuador, 2003
- women no longer to be flogged, Sudan, 1998
- women caned by village court, Uganda, 1999
- women factory workers flogged, Indonesia, 2000
- women flogged for wearing trousers, Sudan, 2009
- women offenders fined because they cannot be caned, Singapore, 1998
- women stripped and spanked for breaking strike at garment factories, Texas, 1935
- young woman flogged through the streets of Scottish city, UK, 1817
- young women allege boss spanked them for errors, USA, 2004
- young women sailing passengers flogged by ship's surgeon, Australia, 1849
- Zambia Penal Code prohibits judicial caning of females
First-person accounts (domestic CP)
- Australia, youth of 17 describes being caned by father, 1956
- USA, boys describe being spanked with belt by pastor, 2003
First-person accounts (illicit CP)
- USA, boy describes his paddling as high school initiation ritual, 2003
- USA, boys describe high school hazing paddlings, 2004
First-person accounts (judicial CP) (see also Eyewitness accounts)
- Canada, strappings in prison, 1940s and 1950s
- Guernsey (Channel Islands), juvenile judicial birching, 1968
- Isle of Man, judicial birching, 1968
- Jersey (Channel Islands), juvenile judicial birching, 1964
- Malaysia, Aaron Cohen describes his judicial caning, 1981
- Malaysia, judicial caning, 1982
- Malaysia, judicial caning, 2002
- Qatar, judicial flogging, 1993
- Saudi Arabia, judicial public flogging, 1978
- Saudi Arabia, judicial public flogging, 2003
- Singapore, Ex-con describes one of several judicial/prison canings, 1950s and 1960s
- Singapore, Michael Fay describes his judicial caning, 1994
- South Africa, recipient describes two separate juvenile judicial canings, 1940s
First-person accounts (reformatory CP)
- Canada, trousers-down strapping at boys' institution, 1960
- United Kingdom, various recipients describe being caned or slippered at community home, 1980s
- United Kingdom, public flogging at boys' reformatory, 1940s
First-person accounts (school CP) (see also Eyewitness accounts)
- Ireland, birch and strap for senior schoolgirls, 1930s
- Malaysia, caning in headmaster's study, 1949
- New Zealand, high school caning, 1960s
- New Zealand, at Nelson College for Boys, various descriptions spanning several decades
- Singapore, mass caning in classroom, 1927
- United Kingdom, slipperings at a boys' grammar school, 1960s
- United Kingdom, canings at London-area boys' state school, 1970s
- United Kingdom, canings at Midlands boys' state school, 1960s
- United Kingdom, deputy headmaster's canings at Catholic grammar school, 1960s
- United Kingdom, headmaster's caning at boarding school, c. 1970s
- United Kingdom, headmaster's slippering at prep school, c. 1970s
- United Kingdom, prefects' caning, Fettes College, Edinburgh, 1966
- United Kingdom, masters' tawse and prefects' "clachan", Edinburgh Academy, 1950s
- United Kingdom, 15-year-old schoolgirl describes her caning, 1976
- United States, testimony of boy paddled in Florida school, 1970
- United States, account of paddling in Virginia classroom, early 1960s
- United States, account of paddling in Tennessee principal's office, 1950s
- United States, account of paddling at a Texas high school, date unknown
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