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Domestic CP - March 1928

Corpun file 25239 at

The Pittsburgh Press, Pennsylvania, 9 March 1928, p.1

"Right to Spank" Court Issue

Kansas Mother and Daughter to Settle Feud Over Punishment That Followed Auto Ride.

By The United Press.

Press cutting

Kansas City, Kan, March 9. -- A mother and her 16-year-old daughter were to face each other in court today and settle a family feud.

Then there was to be a homecoming and if the mother carries out her threat to administer corporal punishment, the homecoming was bound to be a "warm" affair for Lorene Woodside. Mrs. Woodside said no matter how sorry Lorene feels she must be severely disciplined for the scandal she has brought down on the Woodside household.

The matter came to a head Sunday night when Lorene and a party of her friends failed to return home from a motor trip at the hour designated by Mrs. Woodside.

For this infraction of orders, Lorene charged she was given a whipping with a clothes hanger. She retaliated by obtaining a warrant for her mother's arrest on a charge of cruelty. Parts of her body were black and blue, she said. Late today a police judge was to hear the evidence in the case and attempt to effect a reconciliation.

The mother said she was ready to go jail if necessary for administering belated discipline to her daughter

"I'll do anything, even take a whipping myself, if the court decides I have done wrong," she said.

"I am like a lot of parents today," she said. "I wanted to save my daughter from the hardships I endured. As a result I was over-indulgent and pampered her too much."

Mrs. Woodside reiterated her willingness to take back her daughter -- who has remained away from home nearly a week -- on condition she returns "with a heart full of love and submits to any punishment deemed necessary to right her wrong."

The girl's father, J.E. Jones, is in Johnstown, Col., where he is employed as a chemist for a milk company.

Corpun file 25240 at

Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Florida, 11 March 1928, p.1

Judges Uphold Right to Spank

Kansas City Parents Assured They May But Don't Go Too Far, They Say

Press cutting

KANSAS CITY, March 10--(AP) -- Disobedient daughters of the high school age who are spanked at home will find no comfort in the courts here unless the punishment is cruel and unusual, parents were assured today by the judges.

Following the conviction of Mrs. Christine Woodside, 34, on a charge of assault brought by her daughter, Lorene Jones, 16, who was whipped with a light wooden coat hanger, many parents called on officials to determine whether in wielding the rod they made themselves liable to jail sentences or fines.

Don't Go Too Far

They were assured by Probate Judge Henry Meade and Police Judge Fred R. White, who fined Mrs. Woodside $100, that times haven't changed so far as old-fashioned spankings go. Fathers and mothers were cautioned, however, not to make the punishment too severe.

"Go ahead and spank them," Judge Meade told those who telephoned him and asked what their recourse was to be when their children needed disciplining.

Judge Meade said he knew at least 150 girls in the city who needed a good spanking. Most of them were between 11 and 16 years of age, he added.

"I believe that more whippings would help," Judge White said, "Parents have a perfect right to administer punishment in enforcing discipline, but it should not be excessive. They need have no fear they will be haled into court for ordinary spankings."

Stays In Jail

Mrs. Woodside, hotel proprietor and former circus lion tamer, after a night in jail, stood pat today in her refusal to pay her fine and also rejected a parole conditioned on her agreement not to mistreat her daughter again. Acceptance of the parole would be an admission that she had been wrong, she declared. The mother said she entertained no sense of guilt and was ready to spank the girl again when she lied or disobeyed. An attorney started habeas corpus proceedings to obtain her release but the writ was denied by District Judge F. B. Hutchings.

Meanwhile, the daughter was with Miss Inez MacKinnon, high school teacher, and the head of Lorene's Sunday school class. She said she would not return home until her mother relented.

Corpun file 25238 at

St Petersburg Times, Florida, 16 March 1928, p.2

Mother did not spare rod

Rather than pay a fine for whipping her 16-year-old daughter, Mrs. Charles Woodside (left), of Kansas City, said she would prefer a jail sentence. The daughter Lorraine Jones (right) left home after the last whipping and preferred charges against her parent.

Mrs Woodiside (left) and her daughter

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