AUSTRALIA Australia/Judicial - November 1824 Police Office News. "100 lashes on his breech" for burglar Australia/Judicial - May 1834 Hobart Town Police Report. Several court sentences of "lashes on the breech"
Australia/Judicial - January 1841 Caution to Assigned Servants. Accused sentenced to 36 lashes on the breech
Australia/Illicit - July 1849 Flogging Females On Board The "Ramilies". Three young women passengers whipped by ship's surgeon
Australia/Prisons - February 1865 Corporal Punishment at the Gaol. Boy, 14, receives 12 strokes of the birch for abusive language in prison
Australia/Judicial - September 1883 The Flogging. NSW punishment with cat-o'-nine-tails is described
Australia/Judicial - January 1884 Flogging in Sydney. Method of punishment is criticised
Well Deserved Flogging. Another eye-witness description of JCP with the cat Australia/Judicial - February 1884 The Recent Assault at West Maitland: Three of the Prisoners Flogged Strap for two teen youths, cat for a third; NSW punishments described in detail
Australia/Prisons - February 1884 How to Flog Medics recommend more severe floggings
Australia/Judicial - March 1884 A Prisoner Whipped in Maitland Gaol Eyewitness description of strapping of NSW 16-year-old
Australia/Judicial - September 1886 Birching Juvenile Offenders Victoria youth, 19, receives 25 strokes for indecency offence
Australia/Judicial - June 1889 Launceston. A Criminal Sittings of the Supreme Court was opened this morning ... Tasmanian boy, 16, is sentenced to two 15-stroke canings for assaulting girl
Launceston. No subject has been a more universal source of criticism than the sentence ... First of two whippings is described; condemned as not severe enough Australia/Judicial - July 1889 The Whipping of Prisoner Burr. 16-year-old's 15-stroke caning in Tasmania is defended by authorities
Australia/Judicial - December 1889 Launceston. On Saturday, Charles Burr received the second of the two floggings ... Teenager gets another 15 strokes of the cane from sentence six months previously
Australia/Judicial - March 1892 The Lash at Pentridge. Four floggings with the cat and one juvenile birching in Victoria
Australia/Judicial - October 1898 A Birching. Five strokes for "using disgusting language" in Tasmania
Australia/Judicial - June 1899 Charge Against a Constable. Punishment Under the Crimes Act. Police refuse to administer birchings
Australia/Judicial - October 1902 A Birching at Pentridge. Boy, 15, receives 20 strokes for offence upon girl
Birching at Pentridge. His second and final instalment of 20 strokes is administered Australia/Judicial - August 1903 A Lad Birched. 20-stroke birching reduced to 15 strokes on appeal
Australia/Judicial - June 1907 A Degrading Punishment. Description of the birching of six boys age 11 to 14 for shopbreaking
Australia/Judicial - October 1909 Three youths birched. Robbers are ordered ten strokes each
Australia/Judicial - November 1909 Floggings at Pentridge. Robbers get jail and CP
Australia/Schools - May 1912 Caning in School. Adelaide teacher says dare not use CP on insolent pupils because the authorities uphold complaining parents
Australia/Schools - September 1912 Caning a School Boy. Court upholds parent's objection to caning on the hands
Australia/Schools - December 1912 Caning a Cadet. Boy gets a public caning at Sydney Grammar School
Australia/Schools - April 1913 Maintaining Discipline. Schoolboy's Punishment. Teacher acquitted on assault charge after strapping boy, 11
Australia/Schools - December 1917 State Schools. Strap Instead of Cane. Proposal for change of implement in Queensland schools
Australia/Navy - April 1919 Caning in the Navy. Severe chastisement alleged. Fuss over boys' training-ship punishments
Australia/Navy - May 1919 Caning on the Tingira. Caning in the Navy. Details of punishments on training ships are revealed
Australia/Schools - April 1921 The School Cane. Use in Queensland. Retention Favoured. Most school heads use the cane, and want to keep it
Australia/Judicial - May 1922 A Serious Offence. Birch to be Administered. 21-year-old is ordered to receive 15 strokes for offence concerning young girl
Australia/Judicial - March 1923 Youth Convicted of Assault. Judge Suggests Birching. Father ordered to give his 17-year-old son 10 strokes at the police station
Australia/Judicial - July 1924 Youthful Desperado. Imprisonment and Birching. 12 strokes for robber, 17
Australia/Judicial - July 1925 Two Youths to be Whipped. Birchings for boys aged 16 and 18
Australia/Judicial - November 1926 Prisoners Sentenced. Twelve Months and Birch for Violent Robbery. 22-year-old "brute" ordered to receive ten strokes
Australia/Judicial - August 1928 Flagellator Wanted. Boy Awaits a Birching. 15-year-old sentenced to the birch, but no official to administer it; a woman offers her services
Australia/Judicial - November 1928 A Boy's Flogging. Who Will Administer Court's Order? Burglar, 17, ordered to receive ten strokes of the birch
Australia/Judicial - August 1929 Youth to Receive Birching. 17-year-old sentenced to 12 strokes for sexual offence
Australia/Schools - April 1930 School punishment. Headmaster exonerated over caning of boy, 14
Australia/Judicial - August 1930 Whipping ordered Youth of 20 birched for indecent assault
Australia/Judicial - May 1931 Gaol and Lash. Sentence on Youths for Melbourne Murder. Two ordered to receive five birchings of 20 strokes each within first month of prison term
Australia/Judicial - April 1932 Whippings arranged for wayward youths. 17-year-old gets nine strokes of the cane on his bare buttocks
Australia/Schools - October 1932 Improved Spanking Invention of school spanking machine is alleged
Australia/Schools - June 1934 Use of cane in school New regulations in Queensland ban CP for schoolgirls
Australia/Judicial - July 1934 Cairns Circuit Court. "20 strokes with a leather strop on the bare buttocks" for assault on young girl
Australia/Judicial - April 1936 Whipping For Boys Magistrate orders juvenile offender to watch others being birched
Australia/Judicial - November 1938 Birching for Youth "Young blackguard", 19, sentenced to six strokes for offence against girl
Australia/Judicial - December 1938 Judge Orders Birching Four young robbers get jail sentences plus 10 strokes of the birch each
Australia/Judicial - September 1939 Young Housebreaker Birched "Very good birching" of 17-year-old by his father, in presence of police officer, is accepted by court
Australia/Schools - May 1941 Candid Caning (illustrated) A housemaster's caning is secretly photographed
Australia/Illicit - June 1942 Melbourne Girls Spanked by U.S. Police. "Hundreds watch approvingly" their punishment at railway station
Australia/Judicial - July 1942 Judge Orders Whippings Severe birching sentences for seven young robbers
Australia/Navy - November 1944 Naval Cadets Beaten With Shoe, Not Birch, Minister Admits A whole class of cadets gets the slipper
Australia/Reformatory - October 1951 Reports no Floggings, Confinement at Ashley Home But 38 boys aged 14 to 17 were caned on the buttocks
Australia/Judicial - October 1954 Armed Thieves Ordered a Flogging Two men may get the 'cat' Twelve strokes each for armed robbers
Australia/Judicial - December 1954 Lashing for armed thief Appeal against 12-stroke whipping is rejected
Australia/Schools - July 1955 Adults say 'No' to caning But a boy says 'Yes'
Australia/Schools - October 1955 Schoolgirls "spanked" Mother complains girls were made to bend over and lift tunics for school whacks
Australia/Judicial - January 1956 Fathers To Punish Boys Parents cane boys in front of detectives Boy Is Sorry Now: Thrashing By Father After Court Order (illustrated) 16-year-olds are ordered six strokes of the cane by magistrate, pictured
Australia/Judicial - February 1956 To Be Whipped 18-year-old is ordered 10 strokes and three years for rape
Australia/Judicial - March 1956 Father To Punish Son Punishing will be secret 17-year-old thief to be punished in presence of police sergeant
Australia/Schools - March 1956 Stir Over School Beating (illustrated) Caning only as last resort 13-year-old boy, pictured, beaten in class
Australia/Judicial - April 1956 Thrashing For Boy Court orders 10 strokes of cane for 16-year-old after indecent assault of child
Australia/Domestic - May 1956 The cane's the thing 17-year-old purported recipient of paternal caning says it worked
Australia/Judicial - May 1956 Vicious juveniles 'should be caned' "Old-fashioned Remedy": Boys get the cane Cane urged for young offenders Youths whipped (illustrated) Boys, 15 and 17, punished under supervision of policeman, pictured arriving with cane
Australia/Judicial - February 1957 Adelaide youth birched 15 strokes for 15-year-old in first juvenile birching for many years
Australia/Judicial - November 1957 Two Criminals To Be Whipped Twelve lashes each with cat-o'-nine-tails
Australia/Schools - June 1959 Only one says he'd strap schoolgirls Spare the rod? Girls don't get strap in Victoria but some think they should
Australia/Schools - December 1959 S.A. Attitude on Caning CP is fine as a last resort in certain cases, says education official
Australia/Judicial - February 1960 Two Boys To Be Whipped Eight and five strokes of the cane for offenders aged 15 and 13 respectively
Australia/Judicial - March 1961 Vandals to be whipped Two boys aged 14 and 15 sentenced to ten strokes of the cane each
Australia/Judicial - September 1961 Boy, 14, to be caned Seven strokes in the presence of a policeman; another boy already strapped
Australia/Judicial - July 1962 Birching Sentence of Youth Upheld 12 strokes for 19-year-old who had sex with girl, 14
Australia/Schools - August 1962 South Australia view on use of cane Headmasters explain their CP policies
Australia/Domestic - July 1966 Use the cane on teenage daughters I caned my 17-year-old on the bare bottom, claims alleged mother
Australia/Schools - November 1966 Teacher mustn't use a cane Victoria rules are quoted: only strap on hands and only for boys
Australia/Schools - June 1969 Flogged, says boy Boy refuses to hold out hands, caned on buttocks instead
Australia/Schools - October 1971 Caned boy sues schoolteacher (illustrated) Student, 15, pictured, had sore and bruised buttocks after punishment for bullying
Australia/Schools - November 1971 Caning of boy was justified, says judge "Boys who are caned must expect to have pain", court holds
Australia/Schools - February 1974 Caning can be enjoyable: teacher He likes to punish bullies and thieves, and it is necessary, he says
Austria/Judicial - February 1852 Austria. (From our own correspondent.) "Stripes with a rod" sentence for dissidents
Cameroon/Judicial - October 1894 The Flogging Scandal In The Cameroons. Women stripped and flogged under German colonial rule
Canada/Reformatories - March 1912 Die Rather Than Face "Paddle" Strap Fuss about CP at an industrial school Canada/Judicial - April 1926 Given 10 Strokes of Strap Plus 18 months in reformatory for assault "and another serious offense"
Gets Ten Straps, Also Five Years JCP awarded to recidivist housebreaker Canada/Judicial - March 1927 If Parents Lose Control of Child They Lose Status Judge sentences 17-year-old to reformatory plus two five-stroke strappings for robbery with violence
Canada/Judicial - November 1927 Public Spanking is Sentence Given to Two Shoplifters "Relay of strap wielders" to deliver punishment in Hutterite community
Canada/Judicial - May 1928 Sent to Reformatory for Serious Offence Three teens also ordered strappings for attack on girl
Canada/Judicial - March 1931 Order Boy Strapped for Theft of Cars Ten strokes for 15-year-old, "to be administered that afternoon"
Canada/Judicial - May 1931 Hamilton Boy Bandits Sentenced Plus Strap (illustrated) Three teen robbers, pictured, get 18 or 24 strokes of the strap
Canada/Schools - June 1931 Five Strokes on the "Seat" for Boy Who Used his Fist (illustrated) School principal, pictured, says some parents ask that hands not be strapped
Canada/Judicial - August 1932 Get Ten Straps And Prison Term As Mother Sobs Court orders corporal punishment for three young robbers
Canada/Judicial - November 1933 Boy Sentenced to Strap Extortionist, 15, is sentenced to 10 strokes
Canada/Judicial - January 1937 Strappings Ordered 10 strokes each plus jail for two teen robbers
Canada/Judicial - September 1938 Strap Ordered for Youths Two 17-year-olds get five strokes each for breaking and entering
Canada/Judicial - January 1945 Spanked his wife by Court order -- she's been good ever since Magistrate sentences woman to spanking by husband for drunkenness
Canada/Prisons - September 1945 Ten Strapped -- Don Jail Riot Ten prisoners are ordered strappings for rioting: some given eight strokes, others four
Canada/Judicial - November 1945 To Strap Two Youths Boys aged 19 and 17 get 12 and 8 strokes respectively for gross indecency
Canada/Judicial - March 1946 Robbed Grocer, Get 10 Years, 10 Straps (illustrated) Punishment for two armed robbers, pictured, ages not stated; strappings to be administered in two instalments
Canada/Prisons - July 1948 MPP, Penologist Urge Abolishment of Strap For Female Prisoners Riot at women's reformatory leads to strokes on buttocks for ringleaders
Canada/Schools - July 1948 Punishment 'Excessive,' Teacher is Convicted Student, 15, was bent over desk and strapped on buttocks after refusing to hold out hand
Canada/Judicial - August 1949 'Against it,' but both Dads agree to Whip their Sons (illustrated) Rod Breaks As Boy Gets Court-Ordered 10 Blows Second Youth to get Lath Strokes Today Magistrate orders fathers of boys aged 14 and 17, pictured, to administer paddlings under police supervision, for stealing beer
Canada/Judicial - January 1950 Terms, Straps, Given Burford Bank Robbers Jail and strapping for four youths
Canada/Prisons - July 1952 One Word From Guelph Head Stops Riot Tear Gas Couldn't Molly-coddling, No Strap, Cause Of Riot - Guards "Sheer Vandalism" -- Frost Screams, Groans Are Heard Men Collapse From Blistering Heat In Prison Yard (illustrated) Charge 121 Men In Guelph Riots Strap 50 Riot Ringleaders, Move Them To Nipissing Mass riot caused by insufficient CP, say staff; 50 ringleaders flogged
Canada/Prisons - October 1952 Soggy Finish Marks Riot By Prisoners "Smarting backsides" outcome for several ringleaders
Discipline Defers Riot At Don Jail Deputy minister says strapping of six prisoners prevented a riot Canada/Judicial - November 1952 Whipping, 7 Years For 5 Dope Peddlers (illustrated) Paddle strokes ordered for young gangsters, pictured
Canada/Judicial - January 1956 Order Paddle For 3 Youths In Sex Attack 12 strokes of paddle each after assault on girl
Canada/Judicial - July 1956 Abolish Corporal Punishment Sentence, Probe Recommends But parliamentary committee says strapping should be retained for prison discipline
Canada/Schools - January 1958 Spot Strapping Teachers in Winnipeg given authority to strap unruly students on the spot
Canada/Judicial - February 1964 10 Years, Paddle Given Two Bandits 10 strokes each for teen bank robbers
Canada/Judicial - August 1964 Court Orders Strapping For Youths Two robbers "paled visibly" when sentenced to eight strokes each
Canada/Judicial - February 1965 25 years, strap for Levesque 24-year-old given 15 strokes after rape and robbery
Canada/Schools - July 1971 Toronto abolishes the strap Board overrides Director of Education, teachers' unions
Cyprus/Judicial - December 1955 The whip is ordered in terror island Boys whipped in Cyprus First caning sentence under new emergency laws
With Rod & Gun "Rioting schoolboys" to be punished with cane, birch or rod Cyprus/Judicial - January 1956 Mothers weep at caning sentences Pupils protest to Governor To be caned on Friday First canings Schoolboys sentenced for unlawful assembly under new emergency regulations
Cyprus/Judicial - March 1956 Cypriot youth gets the cane 12 strokes for 16-year-old
Cyprus/Judicial - June 1956 Whipping of youths - Official figures 91 boys caned in seven months
Cyprus/Judicial - July 1956 News from Paphos Two teen boys get 10 strokes of cane
Egypt/Judicial - January 1955 Food Ramp Flogging Black marketeer publicly flogged
Fiji/Judicial - December 1973 Judge confirms cane for two Nine strokes plus two years for twentysomethings who attacked watchman Fiji/Judicial - August 1974 Six of the best Magistrate orders birching and jail for 19-year-old rapist
France/Judicial - September 1910 All Paris is discussing the Apache problem. Whipping being considered to deal with outbreak of violent crime
Germany/Navy - June 1903 The German Mercantile Marine. Ships' captains may inflict CP on seamen who repeatedly disobey orders Germany/Schools - December 1903 Industrial conditions in Germany. Legislation for corporal punishment in elementary schools
Germany/Domestic - April 1964 German Professor Suggests Wider Use of Birching Rods 85% of German fathers cane their sons on the backside, according to survey
Germany/Schools - September 1968 Eltern wollen Strenge Lehrer [Parents want strict teachers] (illustrated) Schoolteacher carries on caning, parents support him; picture shows classroom CP in progress
Germany/Schools - July 1970 Der letzte Knüppel hat ausgedient [The last cane has had its day] (illustrated) Bavaria's last school cane, pictured, is installed in museum; boy, 11, pictured, pretends to be caned with it
Guernsey/Judicial - September 1930 Thefts from and damage to motor-cars Ten strokes of the birch for 16-year-old Guernsey/Judicial - July 1968 Eight strokes of the birch Boy, 16, describes his punishment
Guernsey/Judicial - June 1971 Sharp sentence Eight strokes of the birch for youth, 18, for traffic violations, disorderly behaviour and resisting arrest
Grenada/Prisons - January 1902 Political Notes. New rules for flogging with cat and birch
Guyana/Judicial - October 1946 Robbery with violence: Justice imposes severe punishment Seven years and 12 strokes each for two in their 30s
Hong Kong/Judicial - April 1951 Amah Tied Up And Threatened At Point Of Knife: Six Years For Robber 12 strokes of the cane after ransacking of flat
Stole From Baby Two years' jail and 10 strokes of the cane for 34-year-old
Eight Years For Robber Culprit, 36, sent to prison for 8 years and ordered to receive 12 strokes of the cane Hong Kong/Judicial - July 1951 Woman's struggle with thief 27-year-old given 6 months prison, 8 strokes of cane, banished from territory
Seven years for robber -- Lost shoes in attempt to escape 30-year-old gets 12 strokes of the cane for botched attack on taxi driver Hong Kong/Judicial - September 1951 Stole Water Cistern Valves Electrician, 19, gets 10 strokes of the cane
Hong Kong/Judicial - October 1951 Prison and Cane: Snatcher With Police Record Convicted Six strokes for 18-year-old
Hong Kong/Judicial - November 1951 Young Offender Boy, 13, ordered to receive eight strokes of the cane for assault on girl
Hong Kong/Judicial - July 1954 Two sailors guilty: Sentence For Robbery Deferred Pending Medical Report Sailors Sentenced: Three Years, Ten Strokes For Robbery Teenage British servicemen sentenced to caning after "brutal" attack on innocent passer-by
Gaol and cane for snatcher 18-year-old gets six strokes for taking earring "Stupid boy" gaoled: Four Years And Cane 12 strokes for man who slashed woman with razor blade Cane for Hooligan: Magistrate May Award Corporal Punishment 19-year-old's appeal against 12-stroke sentence is dismissed Hong Kong/Judicial - September 1954 Sailors Win Appeal: Prison Sentences Quashed But Caning To Be Carried Out "Sentence of corporal punishment will be carried out forthwith" on two 19-year-olds
Hong Kong/Judicial - January 1955 'Stop flogging our call-up boys' Protest at judicial canings of young British servicemen stationed in Hong Kong and Singapore
India/Judicial - September 1871 India Controversy over flogging of natives India/Judicial - November 1931 Flogging in Kashmir Punishment ordered by Maharaja
India/Judicial - February 1932 Corporal Punishment. Question in Parliament about 14-year-old sentenced to caning
India/Judicial - March 1932 Corporal punishment of boys Boys flogged for political offences
India/Judicial - April 1961 He found a touch of the cane worked wonders Former Bombay police official recalls efficacy of JCP in 1940s
IRAN (formerly PERSIA)
Iran/Judicial - June 1956 Flogging for over-charging Greengrocer gets 50 lashes from mobile "cucumber court"
Ireland/Schools - August 1937 "Spanked" School Punishments Readers discuss alleged CP of senior boarding-school girls Ireland/Judicial - October 1943 Four boys to be whipped -- One of them twice Court orders "fairly heavy" birching for culprits aged 11 to 13
Ireland/Schools - June 1968 School Cane Use Remains Sore Subject Rules changed to extend CP to the posterior
Isle of Man/Judicial - April 1948 Boy Burglars' Daring Exploits: Magistrates Decide to Restore the Birch Six strokes each for three teens Isle of Man/Judicial - July 1952 Six Strokes of the Birch: Schoolboy Playing Fast and Loose Magistrates discipline 14-year-old for theft and wilful damage
Isle of Man/Judicial - August 1956 Caught the Boat Feeling Sore Immediate birching for two visiting Liverpool youths who stole
Isle of Man/Judicial - September 1956 Liverpool waiter is gaoled and whipped Ten strokes of the birch for 20-year-old who robbed with violence
Isle of Man/Judicial - October 1956 Youth Gets 6 Strokes of Birch Plus 12 months' hard labour for 18-year-old robber
Isle of Man/Judicial - March 1957 Six Strokes of the Birch for 14-Year-Old Boy convicted of indecent assault on younger boy and girl
Isle of Man/Judicial - January 1958 Nine Strokes of the Birch: Youth Learns That Crime Does Not Pay Runaway boy, 15, stole goods from boarding-house
Isle of Man/Judicial - September 1961 Birching isle says the tough way's best Day-tripper gets 8 strokes and 6 months for drunken brawl
Isle of Man/Judicial - June 1962 Youth Is Birched For Assault 16-year-old cabin steward given six strokes after "gang warfare" punch-up
Isle of Man/Judicial - August 1962 Birch - and the Cane: Liverpool Boys in Court Two stealing teen boys receive immediate corporal punishment
Isle of Man/Judicial - June 1964 Birched In I.O.M. After Grab Raid, Then Put on Boat Court orders publication of three Liverpool juvenile robbers' names
Isle of Man/Judicial - July 1965 Birch Them! Sentence on 4 Scots The lady in my bus queue -- and the birch Shock for the bold bullies Britain Should Use the Birch, Says Governor (illustrated) Four 19-year-olds given 9 strokes each; resulting weals are pictured
Isle of Man/Judicial - February 1966 Caning for liars New law says boys who tell lies in court may be ordered to be caned
Isle of Man/Judicial - July 1966 Holiday brawl: Six of birch for weeping Scot Youth, 17, sentenced after drunken brawl
Isle of Man/Judicial - August 1967 Birch and prison for assault and theft Boy, 16, gets six strokes plus a month in detention and £10 fine
Isle of Man/Judicial - June 1969 Boys will get 10 lashes of the birch Two youths, 14 and 15, punished by court for breaching probation order
Isle of Man/Judicial - November 1969 Bill the Bircher: I can't remember anyone coming back for a second dose (illustrated) Interview with magistrate, pictured, who has ordered 50 birchings
Isle of Man/Judicial - August 1970 Gets a whipping for hugging girl Youth describes pain in backside and brain after six strokes of the birch
Isle of Man/Schools - February 1973 20 boys caned Canings unfair say parents Parents of Caned Boys Petition Canings backed by Board 'Six of the best' for mass misbehaviour on bus
ISRAEL (formerly Palestine)
Palestine/Judicial - September 1934 Yemenite Sentenced to 6 Strokes Birching order for 14-year-old who burned a girl's hands Palestine/Judicial - October 1934 Whipping Young Offenders: Jaffa Magistrate's Sentence Four boys punished for larceny with strokes of the birch Palestine/Judicial - December 1935 Jaffa District Court A 12-stroke birching is ordered for 15-year-old who attempted murder
Palestine/Judicial - March 1938 Youth sentenced for carrying ammunition Military court orders 17-year-old to receive six strokes of the birch
Palestine/Judicial - April 1939 Life imprisonment for Arab youth Teenager found of guilty of murder also gets 24 strokes of the birch
Palestine/Judicial - December 1946 Terrorists' threat Youth sentenced to 18 strokes for bank robbery
Jaffa Bank Robbery Caning sentences confirmed
Palestine Facts and Basle Theories Sentence of 18 strokes of the cane is carried out
Jewish Terrorists Kidnap and Flog Four British Soldiers Reprisal for caning of Zionist terrorist who robbed bank
Italy/Judicial - June 1851 General Gemeau's panic has been momentarily calmed ... "Fifty blows of the stick" under Austrian rule
Jamaica/Prisons - April 1888 An Hour Among the Colored Convicts. A Novel Whipping Machine Prison superintendent "knew of a part of the body that would stand a good flogging", devises contraption over which offenders are bent for punishment Jamaica/Judicial - September 1901 Flogging in Jamaica. Confusion over proposed new JCP laws
Jamaica/Judicial - April 1945 Switch for Ganja Twelve strokes ordered for 15-year-old caught with drug
Jamaica/Judicial - October 1949 Tamarind Switch For Boy, 13, Who Wounds Sister Court orders ten strokes
Jamaica/Judicial - February 1952 Teenagers' 'too heavy' sentence reduced 12-stroke tamarind switchings reduced to six strokes and jail sentences quashed
Jamaica/Judicial - April 1952 Lucea Court cases Two men are ordered strokes with tamarind switch for larceny
Jamaica/Judicial - August 1953 Tamarind switch for banana theft Court orders nine strokes
Jamaica/Judicial - July 1957 Sentence varied in rape case On appeal, rapist youth gets 12 strokes of tamarind switch instead of flogging with cat
Jamaica/Judicial - October 1958 Two get year, switching for theft Court orders twelve strokes each of the tamarind switch
Jamaica/Judicial - January 1959 Constable gets 12 strokes for sex offence Tamarind switch sentence for 19-year-old
Jamaica/Judicial - November 1963 Bound over, ordered whipped for sex offence Abuser of girl is ordered to attend police station to receive a 12-stroke switching
Jamaica/Judicial - June 1965 Imprisonment, switching for sex offence 17-year-old is sentenced to 12 strokes of the tamarind switch
Jamaica/Judicial - February 1966 Jailed for larceny from person Plus six strokes of the tamarind switch for labourer, 18
Japan/Schools - August 1975 Crazy about Gakureki (illustrated) Flogging (pictured) at gruelling exam-cramming school
Jersey/Judicial - September 1931 Boy's alleged theft Court orders the birch Out-of-control 13-year-old gets eight strokes Jersey/Judicial - November 1932 Birch for youthful offender Eight strokes for 16-year-old after series of thefts
Jersey/Judicial - October 1935 Stolen fruit Boy delinquents get caned by Centenier Hotton
Jersey/Judicial - June 1936 The Boys and the Lasso: Father Consents to Birching 9 strokes forthwith, 9 more suspended, for 17-year-old American
Jersey/Judicial - August 1936 "An accomplished liar" elects to be birched "Plausible rogue", 26, gets 12 strokes (of which 6 suspended) instead of jail
Jersey/Judicial - June 1938 Birched youth tells how he "branded" his girl (illustrated) 17-year-old is pictured after receiving 12 strokes ordered by court
Jersey/Judicial - May 1939 Judge's Humane Sentence: No Prison, but the Birch 16-year-old thief and forger given 24 strokes, 12 suspended
Jersey/Judicial - December 1939 Birch For Three Youths Heavy sentences for teens who took cars
Jersey/Judicial - November 1952 Youth of 19 gets birch 12 strokes for vandalising cinema seats
Jersey/Judicial - March 1953 Young thieves to be birched: Headmaster Consulted by Magistrate Two boys will be birched -- by request Schoolboys aged 14 and 15 get 12 strokes each for stealing
Jersey/Judicial - May 1954 'Edwardian' Louts Before Police Court Youth of 18 sentenced to 12 strokes of the birch for inciting others to attack policeman
Jersey/Judicial - March 1955 Birch for Car "Borrower" (with video clip) Dennis, 16, is birched regardless Youth gets twelve strokes there and then
Jersey/Judicial - August 1960 Arrived yesterday, Birched this morning, Sailed this afternoon 12 strokes "a sharp lesson" for English ship's crew member, 15
Boy, 15, is birched "I felt a bit sore", he says after punishment is carried out Jersey/Judicial - August 1962 Birch For Youth Who Hit Frenchman English youth, 18, ordered to receive eight strokes
Twelve strokes of the birch for London youth 19-year-old handbag-snatcher is "dealt with severely" Jersey/Judicial - August 1964 Parents did not know of birching (illustrated) 15-year-old shows weals on groin after ineptly administered 12-stroke sentence
Jersey/Judicial - March 1966 Youth sentenced to birching Six strokes for 16-year-old who assaulted elderly woman
Jersey/Judicial - November 1969 Jersey ends birching Channel Island abolishes judicial corporal punishment
Jersey/Judicial - September 1973 Former Jersey doctor condemns birching Describes procedure he had to witness in 1950s
Kenya/Illicit - December 1948 5ft. 7in., he spanked his 6ft. wife with slipper (illustrated) Court grants woman, 29, pictured, divorce on grounds of cruelty Kenya/Judicial - November 1952 Flogging for 3 in Kenya tribe 24 lashes each for three Kikuyu accused of Mau Mau attack
Kenya/Judicial - January 1960 Boys to be caned for gang thefts Cane for two 15-year-old Europeans: one gets 16 strokes, the other 10
Schoolboys to get 12 strokes for violence "Bit more severe than headmaster's cane" for boys, 16 and 17
Korea/Judicial - July 1912 Whipping as a fine art. Japan as occupying power lays down detailed rules for JCP in Korea
Malaysia/Judicial - January 1905 Flogging in the F.M.S. Eyewitness describes public punishment of Chinamen Malaysia/Judicial - June 1920 [Untitled] Thieving youth sentenced to 10 strokes of the cane, administered immediately in court
Malaysia/Judicial - August 1949 15-Year-Old Boy Gets Gaol And Rotan 10 strokes of the cane for housebreaking
Malaysia/Schools - February 1951 No caning for schoolgirls New rules say only boys may receive CP in school
Malaysia/Judicial - November 1952 Boy, 15, to get the rotan Supreme Court overturns jail sentence for housebreaker, substitutes eight-stroke caning plus probation
Malaysia/Judicial - January 1956 He Has 'Bad Hands' Six strokes of rotan for thief, 28
Malaysia/Judicial - April 1956 Cane, jail for 3 who raped widow Planters ordered to be whipped after gang rape
Wife: 'I prayed and he spared me' Assize court orders 12 strokes of the rotan for robber Malaysia/Judicial - November 1956 3 years jail for hatchet youth 22-year-old also gets 10 strokes of the rotan for assault
Malaysia/Judicial - February 1962 Thug of 15 gets six strokes of rotan and reform training "You must be punished severely" says judge after stabbing
Malaysia/Judicial - March 1962 Whipping for young thug who stabbed a boy Gangster, 16, is ordered to receive six strokes of the rotan and sent to reformatory for 3 years
Malaysia/Judicial - March 1973 Mat Solo gets 10 years' jail and rotan for robbery (illustrated) Six strokes of the cane ordered for 27-year-old, pictured
NEW ZEALANDNew Zealand/Judicial - July 1876 A Nice Trio. Small boys sentenced to whipping for stealing
Flogging in the Gaol. Whipping of three boys is described New Zealand/Judicial - February 1877 The flogging of John Mc'Cann and Owen Kane. Eyewitness account of punishment with the "cat" on upper back
New Zealand/Judicial - May 1879 The Boy Burglars. Three lads imprisoned and ordered to receive birchings
Whipping. Report of boys' birchings being carried out New Zealand/Schools - August 1884 Corporal Punishment in Schools. Discussion about how to carry out the whipping of schoolboys
New Zealand/Schools - October 1887 School Committee. Corporal Punishment. Dispute over whether CP may be inflicted by others than head teachers
New Zealand/Schools - February 1890 A Sensational School Incident Boys attack teacher who caned girls
New Zealand/Schools - September 1896 Locking Up Schools and Thrashing Boys. Court throws out action against caning schoolteacher
New Zealand/Judicial - January 1900 A Young Highwayman. Nine strokes with the birch rod for robber aged 12
New Zealand/Judicial - February 1900 An Ashburton Case. Boy, 16, gets a birching for indecent assault
Industrial School Escapees Court orders youth birched before being sent back to reformatory New Zealand/Judicial - April 1900 Magisterial. 12-year-old ordered to receive 12 strokes of the birch for stealing
New Zealand/Reformatories - June 1900 The Stoke Industrial School. Cites regulations requiring a strap to be used for CP
New Zealand/Judicial - November 1900 A Warning to Juvenile Offenders. 15-year-old gets six strokes of the birch for stealing
New Zealand/Judicial - February 1902 Kaitangata Rifles in camp. 12 strokes of the birch for 14-year-old arsonist
New Zealand/Judicial - February 1905 Bad Boys: Misbehaviour of a Band of Thorndon Youths Five teens who stole money are sentenced to 12 strokes of the birch each, administered immediately
New Zealand/Judicial - May 1909 Prisoners for Sentence. Boy, 14, raped girl of six
A Young Criminal. Ordered to be Whipped. A 10-stroke whipping for 14-year-old New Zealand/Judicial - September 1909 Gang of Ten Against a Boy. Two teens choose option of a birching instead of paying fine
New Zealand/Judicial - February 1913 The use of the lash. Newspaper welcomes flogging sentences
New Zealand/Judicial - April 1913 The Juvenile Court. Letter-writer calls for inquiry into birchings
New Zealand/Judicial - October 1924 Boys Assault Girl: Birch for Fourteen-Year-Olds Two boys, 14, get 12 strokes each for indecent assault
New Zealand/Schools - December 1929 Headmaster's Appeal Against Dismissal Aftermath of school strapping incidents
New Zealand/Schools - July 1930 Punishment of Girls. Use of the Strap Auckland rescinds ban on school CP for girls under 12
New Zealand/Schools - April 1956 "Go and see the Chinese Gentleman" Reporter visits Christchurch's school cane supplier
PAPUA NEW GUINEAPapua New Guinea/Judicial - November 1965 Flogging seen by NSW man 1914 flogging of Germans by Australian troops is recalled Papua New Guinea/Judicial - March 1966 Public Caning Of 29 Boys Large crowd watches punishment of "riotous" youths aged 7 to 15
POLANDPoland/Schools - November/December 1901 The Prussian Poles. Polish students caned for refusing religious lessons in German
The Prussian Poles. Details of 14 students' canings
RUSSIARussia/Judicial - September 1903 Count Tolstoi and Corporal Punishment. Flogging of peasants to be abolished Russia/Military - August 1904 The Birth of the Cesarevitch. Abolition of CP for certain soldiers
SINGAPORESingapore/Judicial - April 1883 [Untitled] Thief, 10, is ordered ten strokes of a light rattan, administered in police courtyard Singapore/Judicial - May 1917 Singapore Assizes. 12 strokes with a rattan and three years for thief with a long record
Singapore/Judicial - December 1932 Fines And Rotan For Chinese Schoolboys. 14 teens get caning for joining unlawful demonstration that turned violent
Singapore/Judicial - June 1933 Stole Books. Rotan For 12-Year-Old Schoolboy. 8-stroke sentence in juvenile caning case
Singapore/Judicial - August 1933 Schoolboy Thief. Second Whipping At The Age Of 15 He says previous caning was "very painful"
Singapore/Judicial - June 1939 Man To Have Second Dose Of The Cane Ten strokes of the rattan for a recidivist thief
Singapore/Judicial - July 1948 Jail and cane for extortion Youngster sentenced to 18 months in prison and six strokes of the cane
Singapore/Judicial - September 1953 Caning best cure for opium smoking, says magistrate Court's regret at being able only to impose fines and not CP
Singapore/Judicial - December 1953 Ratings to be flogged Sailor-thieves to be caned Two British sailors get ten strokes of the cane each
Singapore/Judicial - July 1956 Rotan for attacker 10 strokes for armed robber who tried to rape victim
Attacked girl, cane for 'pirate' Taxi driver gets 8 strokes of rotan and 3 years in jail Singapore/Schools - October 1956 A bit of discipline is good for boys Former Raffles prefect recalls canings on bottoms
Singapore/Domestic - December 1956 'Cops' and 'rioters' clash in Chinatown Twenty lads "soundly tanned" after dangerous street game
Singapore/Judicial - July 1962 The Law On Whipping Newspaper editorial discusses use of rattan, mandatory for certain crimes
Singapore/Judicial - March 1973 Robber asks for more strokes, shorter jail term Nine strokes and five years for 19-year-old
Singapore/Judicial - August 1974 Jail, cane for knife man 32-year-old gets six strokes and 4 months for having an offensive weapon
Singapore/Judicial - September 1974 Caning - the most dreaded punishment Local paper lifts lid on judicial CP
Branding the bad hats for life Director of Prisons describes caning procedure in detail
Brutal Blow Editorial questions "barbaric medievalism" of caning Singapore/Judicial - November 1974 Man who carried a knife after quarrel Six strokes and 9 months' jail for 29-year-old
Singapore/Judicial - January 1975 Jail and cane Youth, 17, gets 3 months in jail and six strokes of the rotan for having a dagger
Singapore/Judicial - March 1975 Jail, rotan for drug pusher Three strokes of the cane for 26-year-old who trafficked in ganja
Singapore/Military - July 1975 Murder charge soldiers can be court-martialled New legislation provides for corporal punishment of soldiers
South Africa/Judicial - July 1905 The Flogging of Chinamen Parliamentary fuss about coolies being whipped without court order South Africa/Schools - August 1953 Six of the best for 196 boys Mass caning at a school in Natal for walk-out over rugby match
South Africa/Judicial - September 1955 Nine-year-old Housebreaker To Be Caned He gets two cuts while his 12-year-old partner in crime gets three Cuts for boy hunter Three cuts with a light cane for 11-year-old who captured a grysbok in nature reserve Guilty of Car Theft European, 27, sentenced to 2½ years' jail and five strokes of the cane Gaol and Cuts for Theft 20-year-old on housebreaking charge receives six months and six cuts Alcohol Not Mitigation, Says Judge Rapist, 23, sent to jail for 7 years and ordered to receive six strokes of the cane Jail, strokes for car theft 21-year-old European gets five months plus five strokes of the cane Burglar gets cuts Five strokes and five months for offender, 21 Gaol And Cuts For Boxer 23-year-old robber receives a sentence of six weeks and five strokes Denies That Colour is a Factor in Severity of Canings All races get the same treatment when JCP is administered, says official Tales of Screams at Canings Are 'Exaggerated' Older boys yell more than younger ones, says Justice Secretary Youth Gaoled for Outrage Young boy sentenced to six cuts for housebreaking and criminal assault City juvenile court impressed her But visiting magistrate from UK is surprised at use of caning 'Flogging' report started something Police chief queries inaccurate US press report about South African JCP Youth given cuts: set grass alight European gets eight strokes of the cane for arson South Africa/Judicial - January 1956 Boys are striped for life Account of juvenile court caning procedure
South Africa/Illicit - May 1956 'Schoolboy' beatings for Springboks training defaulters Rugby team uses clothes brush for unpunctuality
South Africa/Judicial - April 1959 Caning At Issue In South Africa But Sentiment is Against Screams of Prisoners, Not the Punishment
South Africa/Judicial - September 1959 Whip this boy sailor -- Court order British teenager's caning sentence is suspended for two years
South Africa/Judicial - March 1960 Jailed under the Immorality Act Six strokes for African, 19, after sex with European girl
South Africa/Illicit - August 1961 Alleged caning of African nurses Eleven student nurses said punished at hospital
South Africa/Judicial - April 1964 Torture men are to be caned Six strokes each for three white policemen and court clerk
South Africa/Reformatories - March 1972 Caned with their pants down -- while others watched (illustrated) Boys' home inmates get up to 10 cuts from Salvation Army superintendent, pictured
South Africa/Judicial - August 1973 Dagga: youth gets cuts Five strokes for drug offender, 19
Sri Lanka/Schools - January 1956 Don't spare rod, says Education Director Impossible to control students without the cane, he asserts Sri Lanka/Judicial - March 1956 Lashes for molesting girl steno Six strokes with rattan and 6 months in jail for railway porter
Sri Lanka/Schools - October 1956 'Punishment in school does not always fit the crime' 'Ruthlessness not only way to success' Readers, purportedly schoolboys, argue over caning
Switzerland/Schools - September 1909 Corporal Punishment in Schools. New law in Canton Berne prescribes the cane for moral faults, but only for boys
TAIWAN (formerly FORMOSA) Taiwan/Judicial - July 1909 Flogging Criminals. Caning, for males aged 16-60 only, adopted as substitute for imprisonment
Tanzania/Judicial - June 1964 4 years jail for theft 19-year-old also given 24 strokes Tanzania/Judicial - April 1965 Clerk gets jail, cane for theft of £60 24 strokes for former public servant
Tanzania/Judicial - July 1965 Mkaanga jailed for four years plus 24 strokes 29-year-old former civil servant sentenced for theft and corruption
Trinidad/Judicial - March 1946 House of Commons Flogging in Trinidad London reluctantly agrees to island's request to reintroduce flogging; former Governor is displeased
See this separate page.
See this separate page.
Uganda/Judicial - December 1960 15 years for gang who attacked man Two also get 24 lashes each after castrating robbery victim
Zambia/Schools - March 1960 Rod spared, so the boy spoiled Reader laments indiscipline in schools due to insufficient caning Zambia/Judicial - April 1960 10 strokes of cane Schoolboy "hooligan", 16, threw stones at cars
Zambia/Judicial - May 1960 Sentence is increased 22-year-old now gets 12 strokes of cane in addition to doubled jail term Cane for stone-thrower African, 17, ordered to receive 11 strokes for stoning car Rioters go to jail Prison for the adults while a juvenile gets six strokes of the cane African gets 12 strokes Magistrate orders caning for 15-year-old stone-thrower Stern warnings by N.R. magistrates as five Africans are jailed Another juvenile caned (10 strokes) for political rioting Mobile police stand by as 18 Africans are convicted Heavy canings for two teen boys Zambia/Judicial - June 1960 Prison, cane for cycle thefts Nine strokes for European boy, 16 Cane for Boy Ten strokes for 18-year-old forger Zambia/Judicial - September 1961 Kaunda Men Birched [sic] 18 cane strokes for five party officials
Zimbabwe/Illicit - November 1952 Airline Hostess Caned by Boss, Who Gets Fired Six strokes "on panties and slip" because she didn't fasten her seat belt Zimbabwe/Judicial - April 1960 'Witch' forced to strip, died after 297 blows, High Court is told Youth and man get six cuts with cane plus jail Woman's attacker jailed Four years plus six cuts for African who assaulted former employer Zimbabwe/Judicial - May 1960 African waiter jailed, caned for £3,300 theft from shop safe High Court gives him 8 cuts, 10 years 12 years for rape attempt African servant also gets 8 cuts with cane Zimbabwe/Judicial - June 1960 Indecency: 3½ years for farmer And eight cuts with cane for 20-year-old Will-o'-the-wisp driver appears in Court 17-year-old stole car, drove it recklessly, gets 6 cuts and reformatory term Zimbabwe/Judicial - August 1965 Rhodesia policemen to be caned Two white recruits from Britain, age 20 and 21, are ordered six cuts each and a year in jail for robbery
Zimbabwe/Judicial - July 1971 Caning Row Hits Talks In Rhodesia Hundreds of schoolboys caned by magistrate's court