Corpun file 13434
The Times, London, 6 June 1903
The German Mercantile Marine.
Our Berlin Correspondent writes:--
At a time when considerable attention is being given at home
to the position of the British mercantile marine, it may be
useful to give an outline of the Seeordnung, or new code
of regulations determining the relation of the German merchant
seaman to his employer and his officers which came into force on
April 1 last. The new code has in several respects -- notably in
respect of the hours of labour and in the provision for sickness
or accident -- improved the position of the forecastle hand. The
great shipping companies regard with some concern innovations
which they fear will not, from the commercial point of view,
represent a step in advance; and the working of the code will be
watched with considerable interest.
The code tabulates the grounds which justify a captain in
dismissing a seaman, or a seaman in demanding his discharge. If a
ship is bound for a port infested with plague, yellow fever, or
cholera, and this fact was not communicated to the seaman at the
time of his engagement, he may demand his discharge. On provision
of a substitute he may claim release from his engagement in order
to present himself for nautical examinations. Out of German
waters a seaman cannot, unless the vessel changes her flag, give
up his duties, against the captain's will, without application to
a registry office, the functions of which are performed in
foreign countries by the German consulates.
The captain is empowered to take such measures as he may deem
necessary to maintain discipline in his ship; but he must not in
ordinary cases impose fines or confinement, restrict rations for
more than three days, or employ corporal punishment. In the event
of repeated disobedience to orders he may, if necessary, inflict
corporal punishment, or put a man in irons.
The code concludes with a list of penalties which may be
imposed by the Courts upon officers, seamen, and owners for
offences which constitute a breach of the contract of employment,
and for conduct which may imperil the safety of the vessel or the
health of the ship's company. [...]
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