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Recipients of judicial corporal punishment (including those sentenced to it, where it can be assumed that the sentence has been or will be carried out)-
3 young robbers, named in report but not separately identified in picture, sentenced to caning (one stroke each) in Malaysia, 2011
3 Indonesian robbers, named in report but not separately identified in picture, sentenced to caning (2 strokes each) in Brunei, 2007
7 Indonesian pirates, not individually identified in picture, 6 of whom sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2005
7 Indonesian robbers, not individually identified in picture, sentenced to caning (84 strokes in total between them) in Malaysia, 2006
4 rapists, aged 21 to 23, named in report but not separately identified in picture, sentenced to caning (6 strokes each), Malaysia, 2013
29 unnamed illegal immigrants, 19 of whom sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2005
37 unnamed illegal immigrants, 36 of whom sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2005
40 unnamed illegal immigrants, 21 of whom sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2006
A large group of unnamed illegal immigrants, some of 161 sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2004
Six Indonesian pirates, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2011
Some of 249 Filipinos being deported from Malaysia after being caned for overstaying, 2008
A taxi driver (name withheld), 46, sentenced to caning (7 strokes) in Malaysia, 2003
A youth (name withheld), 17, sentenced to caning (40 strokes) in Nigeria, 2017
A youth (name withheld), 18, sentenced to caning (5 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013
Abd Muthalib Salong, 24, sentenced to caning (one stroke) in Malaysia, 2005
Abd Samad B Kumut, 28, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia, 2011
Abdul Ghaffar Tara, 35, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia, 2010
Abdul Ghani Abdul Karim, 30, sentenced to caning (8 strokes) in Malaysia, 2004
Abdul Haleem Abdul Karim, 30, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Abdul Malik Marsah, 21, sentenced to caning (9 strokes) in Malaysia, 2010
Abdul Nasir Amer Hamsah, 25, sentenced to caning (18 strokes) in Singapore, 1996
Abdul Razak, Muhammad, 23, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013 (video clip)
Abdul Shahed Akbal Ali, 27, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2007
Abdul Razak Abdul Hamid, 23, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2007
Abdul Sani bin Sulaiman, 34, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia, 2011
Abdul Wahab Che Pa, 49, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Malaysia, 2004
Abdullah bin Borhan, 21, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013
Abdullah Mohd Isa, 42, sentenced to caning (30 strokes) in Malaysia, 2006
Aboneng, Kereemang, 21, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Botswana, 2012
Abusali S.K. Pakir Mydin, 31, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2011
Adil Mustofa, 38, sentenced to caning in Brunei, 2012
Afiq Masrani, Mohd, 22, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia, 2015
Afred Tepi, 29, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia, 2010
Ah Lone, 20, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2001
Ahmad Rizal bin Hj Yahya, age not stated, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Brunei, 1999
Ahmad Suhaimi Ismail, 17, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Singapore, 2010
Ahmad Sulaiman, 37, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Malaysia, 2006
Ahman Khaironi Ahmad, 45, sentenced to caning (19 strokes) in Malaysia, 2003
Ainsworth, William, 28, sentenced to paddling with strap (two whippings of 5 strokes each) in Canada, 1952
Ainur Asyriq Aizamuddin, 19, caned (8 strokes) with light rotan in open court in Malaysia, 2014 (several pictures)
Aisha Yusha'u (female), 28, publicly caned (20 strokes) in Nigeria, 2008
Ajimi Abd Rashid, 30, sentenced to caning (8 strokes) in Malaysia, 2012
Ajmeershah Sadayan, 30, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2007, pictured here at age 21
Alamsyah Jupri, 38, sentenced to caning (2 strokes) in Brunei, 2001
Al-Azhar Mohamed Yusoff, 20, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2012
Al-Fallatta, Muhammad Bakar Yunus, age not stated, sentenced to flogging (300 lashes) in Saudi Arabia, 2004
Alif Hussein, 21, sentenced to caning (2 strokes) in Malaysia, 2017
Almukri P. Ramli, 21, sentenced to caning (8 strokes) in Malaysia, 2016
Aman Hassan Ali, 30, sentenced to caning (4 strokes) in Malaysia, 2011
Aman Ullah Mollah Khorshed Ali, 37, sentenced to caning (8 strokes) in Singapore, 2006
Amarang, Shaharizam, 35, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Malaysia, 2010
Amir, 22, shows scars on back after receiving 100 lashes for homosexual activities, Iran, 2005
Amor Singit, 45, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Malaysia, 2012
Amran Che Jaafar, 31, sentenced to caning (8 strokes) in Malaysia, 2012
Anandasayanan Mohan, 20, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2007
Ananthan Chelliaya, 40, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1994, pictured in 1998
Anatha Raj Ponnampalam, 23, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2001
Andy Abdul Gaib, 29, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia, 2011
Ang Chee Kian, 18, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 1999
Ang Chye Seng, 46, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2007
Ang Hoe Meng, Jack, 42, sentenced to caning (8 strokes) in Singapore, 2012
Ang Khee Liang, Tristan Ryan, 20, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Malaysia, 2016
Ang Meng Hua, 28, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2003
Ang Tai Wei, 36, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2009
Annandan, S., 21, sentenced to caning (20 strokes) in Malaysia, 2006
Ansari Abdul Hussain, Mohammad, 34, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2014
Aravinthiran, P., 22, sentenced to caning (14 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013
Arrifin Bidin, Mohd, 29, sentenced to caning (25 strokes) in Malaysia, 2008 (three different pictures)
Ariffin, Mohammed Ismail, age not stated, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 1996
Arthur Julian, 25, sentenced to caning (2 strokes) in Malaysia, 2010
Ary Sugeng, 25, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2000
Ashiq Mohamed Yasin, Muhammad, 27, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Astro Jakaria, 28, sentenced to caning (8 strokes) in Singapore, 2010
Awang Ekhsan Awang Ahmat, 22, sentenced to caning (2 strokes) in Malaysia, 2015
Awang Jamal Awang Abdul Rahim, 23, sentenced to caning (5 strokes) in Malaysia, 2011
Awangku Shukur Pg Ismail, 31, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Malaysia, 2011
Azahar Abdullah, 31, sentenced to caning (15 strokes) in Singapore, 2006
Azhar Abdullah, 27, sentenced to caning (21 strokes) in Singapore, 2007
Azizi Pon, Mohamad, 25, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013
Azizul Adzhar Ishak, 21, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013
Azman Ahmad, 24, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Malaysia, 2004
Azman Othman, 32, sentenced to caning (4 strokes) in Singapore, 1999
Azman Pungut, 32, sentenced to caning (20 strokes) in Brunei, 2003
Azmanshah Zailamshah, 38, sentenced to caning (15 strokes) in Singapore, 2012
Badawi, Raif, 30, sentenced to flogging (600 lashes) in Saudi Arabia, 2013
Badawi, Raif, flogging in Saudi Arabia begins in instalments, another picture, 2015
Badrol Zamanuddin, 39, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Malaysia, 2004
Balabagan, Sarah, 16, Filipina maid, flogged (100 lashes) in United Arab Emirates, 1995
Bala Kuppusamy, 48, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2009
Balachandran Bernard, 20, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2002
Balakrishnan, M., 36, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Malaysia, 1999
Balamuguran, K., 26, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2003
Balamurugan Thiyanamuthi, 19, sentenced to caning (7 strokes) in Singapore, 2000
Baragang, Victor, 20, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2007
Basheer Ahmad Maula Sahul Hameed, 34, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia, 2015 (also video clip)
Basir Ahmad Halu, 34, sentenced to caning (1 stroke) in Malaysia, 2002
Batla, Navin Jatin, 23, sentenced to caning (16 strokes) in Singapore, 2008
Bay Buck Siong, 48, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2011
Beh Soon Hock, 38, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Malaysia, 2005
Beh Soon Hock, 39, after appeal against his sentence (see above) rejected, Malaysia, 2006
Beni bin Saleh, 45, shown having his scarred and swollen back being attended to after 40-stroke caning, Indonesia, 2006
Bergnach, James, 19, sentenced to paddling with strap (5 strokes) in Canada, 1952
Bijeh, Mohammad, 24, serial murderer and rapist, sentenced to 100 lashes before being executed, four different pictures of the flogging in progress, Iran, 2005
Bin Ali, Saifullah, 37, publicly caned (40 strokes) in Indonesia, 2006
Bin Jian Ping, age not stated, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1997
Blanchard, Royston Lee, 17, birched (12 strokes) in Jersey (Channel Islands), 1938
Bornfree Tait, 26, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2011
Burridge, Wade James, 34, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2017
Busri Saal, 42, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2004
Campbell, Franklin D., 20, immediately after 20 lashes of belt, pants down, in US court, 1963
Casey, Thomas, 13, whipped for stealing, UK, 1873
Cast, Frank, age not stated, sentenced to strapping (10 strokes) in Canada, 1946
Castles, Keatlaretse, 26, caned at court (3 strokes) in Botswana, 2008
Chan Hong Kok, 41, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2011
Chan Wei Xiang, Terence, 22, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2009
Chang Kar Meng, 27, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2015
Chang Ying Leong, Michael, 23, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2001
Chang Wan Chuan, 34, sentenced to caning (5 strokes) in Malaysia, 2001
Chaw Aiang Wah, 27, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2004
Che Hassan Che Nawang, 61, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Malaysia, 2009
Cheang Hook Tai, 43, sentenced to caning (2 strokes) in Singapore, 2005
Chee Tat Fatt, 47, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2006
Chen Ci Fan, age not stated, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2011
Chen Weixiong, Jerriek, 17, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2003
Chen Win Zhen, 21, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Singapore, 2012
Cheo Wang Meng, Carl Benedict, 35, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Singapore, 2006
Chew Ban Chuan, Richard, 20, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 1996
Chew Eng Hin, Adrian, 23, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2000
Chew Pete Tzen, 33, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2005
Chew Wei Beng, Jason, 21, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Chia Kuan Guan, Rain, 25, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Chia Yock Siew, 43, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1997
Chi Thian Foo, 43, sentenced to caning (9 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013 (also video clip)
Chng Hock Choon, now 52 in 2006, sentenced to caning in Singapore at age c.35 in 1989
Choi Hee Soo, 36, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Chong Kooi Fah, alias Johnny, 39, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2002
Chong Meng bin Hashin, 40, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2000
Choong Hock Chuan, 43, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2007
Chow Kam Wen, 26, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 1998
Chua Ban Keong, 33, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Chua Beng Hin, 42, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2005
Chua Lay Kiang, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1997
Chua Peng Hwee, 24, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Chua Ser Lian, 42, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2004
Chua Tong Tyan, 26, sentenced to caning (8 strokes) in Singapore, 2005
Chuquimango, Edwin Donato, age not stated, shown being whipped in Peru, 2019
Civajanam Subramanian, 29, sentenced to caning (8 strokes) in Malaysia, 2009
Cohen, Aaron (shown as teenager, with mother, at earlier hearing), caned later (6 strokes) in Malaysia at age 24
Cohen, Aaron at age 20, leaving courtroom in 1987 after being sentenced to caning
Cohen, Aaron at age 22, after appeal hearing in 1989
Cohen, Aaron, undated file picture
Connelly, William, 19, birched (9 strokes) in the Isle of Man, shows resulting weals on thigh, 1965
Cooper, Brian, 35, flogged in Saudi Arabia, 1978
Coroi, Stefan, 29, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013
Craddock, Dennis, 11, birched (4 strokes) in the UK, 1943
Craddock, Dennis, another picture, with his parents
Cross, Ronald, 17, paddled (10 swats) by father on orders of magistrate, Canada, 1949 (2 pictures)
Cross, Ronald, another picture
Culetta, Frank, 14, paddled (10 swats) by father on orders of magistrate, Canada, 1949 (2 pictures)
Dai Yun Fa, 32, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010
Darsono Hadi Sunarso, 30, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2011
Darzuki Ombri, 47, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Datu Azman Datu Amil, 23, sentenced to caning (1 stroke) in Malaysia, 2011
Daud, Juwil, 33, sentenced to caning in Brunei, 2001
Davis, George, 14, whipped for stealing, UK, 1873
December, Lenas, 30, caned (5 strokes) in Botswana, 2014
Degles Tegong Ami, 21, sentenced to caning (5 strokes) in Malaysia, 2012
Devanatan Naggan, 28, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Dhanabal Senthil Kumaran, 24, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2003
Dhoni, Virat, 23, shown being publicly spanked by policewoman in India, 2015
Dingai ak Lindang, Andrew, 44, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2003
Dipelaelo, Diketso, now 30, sentenced to caning in Botswana on seven occasions between 2000 and 2004
Dius Muhow, 19, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia, 2010
Dokubu Otokini, Charles, 24, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2012
Dong Liang, 22, sentenced to caning (9 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Duraisamy Mohanaranjan, 44, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2006
Eko Andoyo, 27, sentenced to caning in Brunei, 2012
Ellery Puling, 28, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Elly Arpony Jalius, 20, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2007
Eng Yew Kia, 40, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Evans, Charles, 14, whipped for stealing, UK, 1873
Fabian Adiu Edwin, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore (24 strokes), 2013
Fadwan Abd Muaain, Mohd, 24, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2008
Fadzli Abdul Rahim, Mohamed, 28, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Fairuzazahari Mat Aleh, Mohd, 22, sentenced to caning (20 strokes) in Malaysia, 2000
Faizal Abdul Razak, Muhammad, 21, sentenced to caning (8 strokes) in Singapore, 2010
Faizal Hussain, 22, sentenced to caning (26 strokes) in Malaysia, 2017
Faqrull Asyraaf Ramdy, 21, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Malaysia, 2017
Farik Mohamed Rafik, Mohammed, 18, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2001
Fathi, Mohd, now 22, caned (3 strokes) at age 20 in Singapore, 1997
Fauzi Imbap Abdullah, Mohd, 28, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2007
Fay, Michael, 18, caned (4 strokes) in Singapore, with stepfather, on way to court hearing, 1994
Fay, Michael, with stepfather, leaving court after sentence, 1994
Fay, Michael, another picture, 1994
Fay, Michael, with natural father and stepfather, leaving prison, 1994
Fay, Michael, with natural father, giving press conference after leaving prison, 1994
Fazel Hamzah, Mohamad, 31, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Fazizol Mohd Razali, 25, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2011
Feizal Abu Bakar, 28, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Fenny De David Martin Danori, 27, sentenced to caning in Brunei, 2003
Firdaus Abdullah, 27, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Firdaus Jafri, Mohd, 21, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia, 2014
Firman Jumali Chew, Muhammad, 30, sentenced to caning (11 strokes) in Singapore, 2016
Firman Shah Marzuki, 20, caned in open court (2 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013 (several pics) (also video clip)
Fricker, Oliver, 32, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010 (also video clips)
Frizer Nyelang, 22, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia, 2014
Gajehindran, Y.K., 26, sentenced to caning (14 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013
Galebake, Keorapetse, 18, caned immediately (3 strokes) in Botswana, 2018
Garbutt, William, age not stated, sentenced to strapping (10 strokes) in Canada, 1946
Ghanbari, Saeed, age not stated, flogged in Iran, 2007, flogging itself is also shown
Gee Kean Siang, 25, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 1998
Ghani Abdul Karim, Abdul, 31, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2007
Gibot, Willer, 24, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Goh Hock Nguang, 37, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1997
Goh Kar Aip, 20, sentenced to caning (15 strokes) in Singapore, 2018 (two pictures)
Goh Kim Lian, now 56 in 2008, caned in Singapore in 1975, 1981, 1985, 1986 and 1992
Goh Kock Oon, 20, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010
Goh, Louis, 34, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Goh Seng Huat, Michael, 46, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1997
Goh Tong Chien, 22, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2016
Goh Wei Rong, 24, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2017
Goh Weng Soon, 27, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002
Gonnamang, Ndagwadziwa, 27, whipped in Botswana, 2008
Gopi Krishanan Sivanu Pillay, 20, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2000
Grandstaff, Scott Browning, 16, immediately after 20 lashes of belt in US court, 1968
Grangerm, Eli, 14, whipped for fraud, UK, 1873
Guineenne, Camara Jean, 32, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013
Gunesh Kumar Loganathan, 25, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Gunawan, Eddy, 26, sentenced to caning in Brunei, 2001
Gunawan Hendro, Moh, 25, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2004
Hairee Landak, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2013
Haleem Mohamed Nasser, Abdul, 27, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Haliffie Mamat, 24, sentenced to caning (18 strokes) in Singapore, 2015
Hamdan Abdul Rahman, Muhammad, 20, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Hamzah Hambali, 26, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Hamzah Hamid, 22, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Hanafiah Jumahat, Mohammed, 29, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2017
Han Chee Pin, 29, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2010
Han Lin Siew, Joseph, 33, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1999
Han Xin Hui, 41, caned in Singapore, 2008
Harfiyan Ahjiman, Muhammad, 22, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010
Harun Amir Hossain, age not stated, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Hasbi Boamin, 35, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2010
Hasbi Dani, 19, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2011
Hasik Sahar, Muhamad, 22, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002
Hasman Mek Mek, 20, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2004
Hassan Awang, Mohamad, 26, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2004
Hassan Sheikh Hobibi Rahman, 47, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Hawley, Richard, 17, sentenced to strapping (18 strokes) in Canada, 1931
Hazmirul Zulkafli, 18, caned in open court (2 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013 (several pics) (also video clip)
Hazrin Hassim, 32, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2005
Head, Malcolm Graham, 33, sentenced to caning (7 strokes) in Singapore, 2014
Hector, Russell Kitson, age not stated, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1999
Hempson, James W., 13, birched (10 strokes) for stealing, UK, 1873
Hendra, 25, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1997
Henok Sibuea, 30, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2007
Herman, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2004
Heronimus Mikael, 18, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia, 2017
Hilan, Kalathithara Subran, 36, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2003
Hinz, Elton, 21, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2015 (also video clips)
Hirris Martin, 22, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Ho Boon Sheng, 25, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2015
Ho Hwee Jin, 44, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2006
Ho Meng Keat, 40, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 1999
Ho Wui Ming, 22, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Huang Shiyou, 22, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Huang Shun Feng, 30, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2003
Human, Nicholas Benjamin, 26, sentenced to caning (6 cuts) in South Africa, 1980
Hunt, James, 16, spanked (15 whacks) in open court, USA, 1962
Hurlburt, Calder, 19, sentenced to paddling with strap in Canada, 1952
Ibrahim Bujang, 31, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2012
Ibrahim Mohamed Khairuddin, 34, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2007
Ikmal Hisyam Abdullah, 36, sentenced to caning (4 strokes) in Malaysia, 2016
Iksan Shafiq Abdullah, Nor, 19, caned (7 strokes) in open court, pictured entering courtroom to receive his punishment, Malaysia, 2015
Iksan Abdul Wahid, Nur, 25, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2014
Illegal border jumpers en masse from Zimbabwe, rounded up and caned in neighbouring Botswana, 2003
Imeneul Lakapu, 26, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2010
Irfan Ahmed Khan, 29, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Irfan Putih, 35, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2010
Irjuan bin Tahardi, 36, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2003
Iryan Abdul Karim, 21, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Isaac, Malvin, 24, sentenced to caning (20 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013
Isaaq, Jeylani, 45, pictured being publicly flogged in Somalia, 2006
Iskandar Abdul Rahim, pictured in 1998 at age 23, subsequently caned, now sentenced again to caning in Malaysia age 34, 2009
Iskandar Putit, 27, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia, 2016
Iskandar Sa'at, Muhammad, 26, sentenced to caning (18 strokes) in Singapore, 2018
Islahuddin Yub, 37, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2008
Ismail Riuh, 21, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2010
Ismail Shah Abdul Wahab, 23, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2007
Ismail Shaikh Ahmad, 45, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Iwabuchi, Hiroshi, 43, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2000
Izam Abdollah, 33, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Jaberali Abbas, 30, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Jackson, Horace, age not stated, sentenced to birching (10 strokes) in Trinidad, 2009
Jaffry Mohamed, 38, sentenced to caning in Singapore having already been caned 10 years earlier, 2005
Jafny Mohamed Sunny, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Jahidin Solihin, 31, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 1999
Jairius Selumin, 22, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Malaysia, 2009
Jalil Nasar, Abdul, 26, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Jamal Rostamur, 25, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2002
Jamaluddin Salam, 32, previously caned in Singapore, 2008
Jamaludin Saripudin, 26, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2004 (and previously caned)
James Anggang, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Jamil Abdul Sah, age not stated, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013 (also video clip)
Jamir @ Jawang Samah, 63, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2010
Jantan bin Abdul Rahman alias Mat Solo, 27, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Malaysia, 1973
Jarih Rashad, 21, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2006
Jasli Amir Salleh, 34, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2008
Jasman Salim, 36, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1998
Jasni Mdet, Muhammad, 26, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2016
Jefry Abdullah, 36, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2007
Jesudass, Johnson, 33, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2002
Jikol (or Jikon), Jackson, 19, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Malaysia, 2004 (two pictures)
Jin (not his real name), 19, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2010
Johan Johari, 25, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2000
Joseph, P., 49, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2007
Joshua Navindran Surainthiran, 23, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2016
Juldan Saidi, 38, sentenced to caning (20 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013
Juljani Abdul Rahim, 33, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2008
Jumat Abdullah @ Richard Norman, 32, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2002
Junaidi bin Awg Damit, 22, sentenced to caning in Brunei, 2000
Juwindra, 21, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia, 2018
Kadir Bodialam, 45, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2002
Kalaivanan Tamilarasan, Mark, 24, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2003
Kamal Ishaq Mollah, 38, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2002
Kamalason, K., 47, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2008
Kamarudin Idris, 29, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2000
Karimi Kamal Arifin, Mohd, 22, sentenced to caning (16 strokes) in Malaysia, 2011
Karunanithy, Saravanak Kumar, 30, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2017
Karupaya, Selvam, 32, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2017
Kassim Idris, Abdul, 39, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2006
Kebaetse, Godirileone, 22, caned by court (4 strokes) in Botswana, 2017
Keenan, William, 19, birched (9 strokes) in the Isle of Man, shows resulting weals on thigh, 1965
Kegobilwe, Johannes, age not stated, sentenced to caning in Botswana, 2004
Khairudin Ismail, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Khairul Annuar Ismail, 25, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 1998
Khairul Famy Mohamed Samsudin, 20, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002
Kairul Iskandar Khamsani, 21, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2007
Khairul Anwar Zaini, 42, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Khairul Nizam, 27, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2004
Khalid Mohamad Yusop, Mohamad, 33, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Khalid Nawab lal Nawab, 41, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2010
Khishindran Nair Ramachand, 19, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2006
Khoka Tazamalbapari, 27, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002
Khoo Boo Boon, Elvin, 35, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2014
Kiggundu, Alphonse, 37, claims to have been wrongly caned in prison in Uganda, 1999
Kimin Othman, age not stated, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2007
Kinsing, Raymond Bakak, 18, sentenced to caning (5 strokes) in Malaysia, 2019
Kiprawi Gani, 39, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2010
Kiram Abidin, 32, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2010
Koh Gim Phiaw, 29, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002
Koh Hock Seng, 49, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2005
Koh Kim Swee, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010
Koh Koon Hong, 35, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010
Koh Lye Soon, 45, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Koh Rong Guang, 25, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2018
Koh Seng Kee, 48, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Koken Ham, 40, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2012
Kuah Kuan Boon, Emil, 38, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2008
Kueh Thuan Seng, 47, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 1997
Koh Thye Jin, 29, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Kumar, Alvin, 27, sentenced to caning (5 strokes) in Fiji, 2005
Ladu, William, 20, pictured receiving lashes in courtroom, Sudan, 2008
Lai Chin Yeong, Andy, 32, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Lai Jiat Thiam, 44, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002
Lai Kah Seng, 39, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Le, Michael, 24, sentenced to caning (5 strokes) in Singapore, 2017
Leadbetter, James, 11, whipped for stealing, UK, 1873
Lee Ai Eng, 36, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1996
Lee Boon Leong, 41, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Lee Chang Feng, 22, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Lee Chee Soon, Peter, 46, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Lee Chin Chun, 31, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2006
Lee Fuxiang, 24, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Lee Hock Woo, 31, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2005
Lee Kee Liang, Andy, 24, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Lee Kim Boon, 41, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Lee Song Koi, 46, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2008
Lee Sze Chan, 33, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010
Lee Yang Siew, Daniel, 35, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Leong Kim Mun, 35, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1992
Leow Kok Meng, 38, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1998
Li Yan, 20, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2011
Liew Wei Jie, Jeron, 19, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2016
Lim Ah Ter, 43, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 1996
Lim Chiew Seng, 31, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 1996
Lim Choon Beng, 30, sentenced to caning (22 strokes) in Singapore, 2016
Lim Chwee Seng, 41, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Lim Hock Keng, 32, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Lim Song Kia, Peter, 39, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Lim, Johnny, 46, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2004
Lim Kuan Seng, 30, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2006
Lim Seong Yeong, 37, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Lim Son Thye, 40, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2004
Lim Sze Yu, Kenny, 34, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Lim Tao Boon, 26, sentenced to caning (8 strokes) in Singapore, 1999
Lim Wee Thong, 48, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2014
Lim Wei Liang, 44, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Lim Yong Thong, Tommy, 30, sentenced to caning (5 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Linang anak Gerai @ Rahman anak Gerai @ John Hell, 40, sentenced to caning in Brunei, 2004
Liong Kian Peng, 29, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Liton, Pramanik, 24, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2017
Liwatsari Saibi, 36, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2000
Lo Kok Min, 29, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 1998
Loh Beng Lea, 28, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Loh Hwee Peng, 24, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2005 (two different pictures)
Loh Kok Siang, 25, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2003
Loke Seng Hay, 45, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2005
Loke Tuck Fatt, 39, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1998
Loo Cheng Lip, 34, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2000
Low Hua Choon, 42, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010
Ludorikus Bau, 26, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2012
Lukman Nurhakim M. Thamrin, 23, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Luo Weiqiang, Jason, 22, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Singapore, 2010
Ma'ang ak Dring, Erik, 32, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2004
Maaruf Mahmud, 33, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2004
Mabondeni, Blessed, 36, caned (5 strokes) by court in Botswana, 2013
McKell, James, 19, birched (9 strokes) in the Isle of Man, 1965
Mahathir Azhar Mohd Khairy, 23, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2005, shown in two different pictures leaving court after sentence
Mahathir Azhar Mohd Khairy, 26 (see previous item), sentenced to another caning in Malaysia, 2008
Mahathir Wahar, 23, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2011
Mahendran, K., 41, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Mahmod Mohalas, 32, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1999
Mahmud Mohamed Salleh, Mahomed, 19, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002
Maidment, Nigel, 27, flogged in Saudi Arabia, 1978
Maisur Muji, 20, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2010
Mak Kheong Chee, 30, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1997
Mak Kian Chye, 21, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1998
Makuku, Omatla (female), 24, illegally caned by court in Botswana, 2013
Maniam, T., 44, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2003
Manivanan Vulakanathan, 31, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2005
Mansor Mat Noor, 49, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 1997
Mason, James P., 28, sentenced to paddling with strap in Canada, 1952
Mathenkumar Segaran, Melvin, 18, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Maxi Banfantri, 30, sentenced to caning (4 strokes) in Malaysia, 2019
Meshack, Gosaitse, 18, sentenced to caning (2 strokes) in Botswana, 2012
Mnguni, Gideon, 54, lashed with sjambok at people's court, South Africa, 1998
Mohd Abbas Danus Baksan, 47, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Malaysia, 2004
Mohamad Ali, 27, sentenced to caning (4 strokes) in Malaysia, 2011
Mohd Azuwan Mohd Zain, 24, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Malaysia, 2010
Mohd Din Ismail, 26, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2005
Mohamad Elias Muhamed Yusoff, 26, sentenced to caning (2 strokes) in Malaysia, 2015
Mohamad Fadzlie M. Rosdi, 20, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2012
Mohd Firdaus Abdullah, 28, sentenced to caning (16 strokes) in Malaysia, 2015
Mohd Gaizal Amir Bazir, 36, sentenced to caning (4 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013
Mohamed Hishamadi Rahmat, 34, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Mohamad Ja'afar Zakaria, 18, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2012
Mohammad Johan Rashid, 32, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Mohd Khairell Idzham Hashim, 21, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2012
Md Khairul Islam Habibul Rahman, 30, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2002
Mohamed Nasha, 30, sentenced to Syriah caning in Malaysia, 2005
Mohd Nazrin Mustafa, 21, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2012
Mohamed Nizam Ibrahim, 32, sentenced to Syriah caning in Malaysia, 2005
Mohamed Nizam Sharif, 30, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2012
Mohd Noor Annuar Othman, 28, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2007
Mohd Qayym Ibrahim, 21, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia, 2010
Mohamad Rizal Mohamed Amin, 23, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2007
Mohd Rozaini Roslan, 30, sentenced to caning (9 strokes) in Malaysia, 2019
Mohd Sabri Zulkepli, 24, sentenced to Syariah caning in Malaysia, 2010
Md Sani Abdul Rashid, 35, sentenced to caning (8 strokes) in Malaysia, 2006
Mohd Shukri Mohd Suib, 26, sentenced to caning (2 strokes) in Malaysia, 2010
Mohammad Talip Abd Kadir, 19, caned in open court (2 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013 (several pics) (also video clip)
Md Zaini Zainal Abidin, 35, sentenced to caning (5 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013
Md Zhafran Bakar, 31, sentenced to caning (4 strokes) in Malaysia, 2018
Mohan S. Chinniah, Kevin, 43, sentenced to caning (4 strokes) in Singapore, 2001
Mok Chee Meng, 35, sentenced to caning (4 strokes) in Singapore, 2007
Mokrah Salleh, 43, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 1999
Molosiwa, Gaomodimo, 28, caned (7 strokes) in Botswana, 2017
Morenzie, Robert, age not stated, sentenced to birching (7 strokes) in Trinidad, 1999
Morgan, R., 41, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Malaysia, 2007
Moyo, Caiphus, 32, caned (5 strokes) by court in Botswana, 2013
Moyo, Caiphus, another picture, pulling up his jeans after being caned in court
Mugunthan Ponysamy, 20, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2005
Muhammad Abdul Razak, 23, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013 (also video clip)
Muhammad Arsyil Johar, 21, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2012
Muhammad Bukhori Muhammad Zawawi, 21, sentenced to caning (2 strokes) in Malaysia, 2017
Muhamad Fairuz Mohd Razali, 23, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2008
Muhammad Haziq Mohamed, 20, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010
Muhammad Hyder Rahamad, 22, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Muhammad Ilias Syed Ibrahim, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2008
Muhammad Mustaqim Juri, 35, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Muhammad Noh Mohammad Jais, 24, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2010
Muhammad Noh Mohammad Jais, 26, again sentenced to caning (16 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Muhammad Noh Mohammad Jais, 31, again sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2017
Muhammad Nor Daud, 35, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2007
Muhammad Nurafiyan Mohamed Sani, 20, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Muhammad Raffiq, 25, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Muhammad Syukur Mohamed Salleh, 19, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010
Muhammad Tarmidzi Tahir, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Mukim Tamang, 49, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2009
Munawar Ismail, 35, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2002
Murugappan Palanikkumar, 20, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1999
Musa, Never, 20, caned in Botswana, 2010
Najiman Abdull Azis, Mohamad, 31, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Nanang Anan, 21, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2000
Nasir Mohamad, Mohamad, 38, sentenced by religious court to light caning in Malaysia, 2009
Nasiruddin Yusuf, Mohd, 28, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia, 2016
Nassir Sayed Mohd Sidek, Sayed Muhammad, 20, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Naveenthiran Thevathas, 21, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2018
Nazaruddin Ahmad, 20, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2011
Nazarudin Kamaruddin, 46, sentenced to Syariah caning by religious court in Malaysia, 2009
Nazri Abbas, age not stated, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2012
Neo, Jeremy, now 34 (in 2004), reformed ex-convict, previously caned in Singapore
Neo Pek Lie, Derrick, 32, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Neo Say Wee, 33, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2008
Neo Yong Heng, Christopher, 22, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010
Ng Beng San, 29, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002
Ng Boon Kwee, 26, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1998
Ng Chin Hock, 34, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2001
Ng Eng Hoe, 41, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Ng Han Tong, 37, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Ng Hua Chye, 47, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002
Ng Kheng Yew, 43, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Ng Ko Sen, 43, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Ng Liang Neng, 35, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 1999
Ng Lin Ming, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Ng Shi Qiang, 31, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2015
Ng Wei Lun, 20, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Ng Wei Lun, another picture
Ng Yau Fatt, 35, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2010
Nicholas Joseph Bujang, 30, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Malaysia, 2014
Nicholas, Kenneth, age not stated, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002
Nik Pa Zakaria, 41, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2005
Nima, Lobzang, 25, sentenced to caning (5 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Nipar Vergiano, 36, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2012
Nizam Ahmad, Muhamad, 31, sentenced to caning (9 strokes) in Singapore, 2015
Nka, Thatayaone Wabuya, 30, sentenced to caning (30 strokes) in Botswana, 2017
Noh Hafiz Osman, Mohamed, 17, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2003
Noorazah Baharuddin (female), 22, sentenced by religious court to light caning in Malaysia, 2009
Noorhairy Khairuddin, Mohammad, 26, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2008
Nooryanto bin Mohd Noor, 22, sentenced to caning in Brunei, 2000
Norezam Mohsin, 28, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Norhafizan Mod Fairuz, 27, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2011
Norhisham Yeop Ahmad, 34, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2004
Norman Shah Jamal, 24, sentenced to caning (30 strokes) in Malaysia, 2014 (with video clip)
Norrahhi Noman, Mohamad (see also next item), 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1998
Norrahhi Noman, Mohamad (see previous item), 30, again sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2006
Nur, Mohamad, 27, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1997
Nur Qurniaqeen Hassan, Mohd, 22, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia, 2015
Nur Rizal Mohamed Zainul, 29, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Nuryani, 24, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2007
Nurvin Lakimi, 33, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2001
Nyi Nyi, 29, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1998
Obrayain Mccertny Jim Jerry, 22, sentenced to caning (4 strokes) in Malaysia, 2019
Oh, Marx, 32, sentenced to caning (5 strokes) in Singapore, 2005
Oh Keng Kee, Alvin, 28, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Singapore, 2002
Olbrich, Siegfried Erhard (or Eberhard), 25, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2002
Omar, Mohamed, 58, pictured being publicly flogged (9 lashes) in Somalia, 2006
Ong, Albeart, 21, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Malaysia, 2016
Ong Boon Jun, 22, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2008
Ong Huat Koh, age not stated, sentenced to caning (9 strokes) in Singapore, 1997
Ong, Jeffrey, 30, sentenced to caning (5 strokes) in Singapore, 2004
Ong Keat Pin, Stilwell, 20, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2012
Ong Tek Ping, 21, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2000
Ong Wee Siong, 17, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2000
Ong Wee Siong, 27, again sentenced to caning (18 strokes) in Singapore, 2009
Oscar Burung, 33, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Malaysia, 2001
Osere, Augustine, age not stated, caned (10 strokes) by local community court, Uganda, 2016
Othman Ahmad, 46, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2000
Ow Sing Hai, 22, sentenced to caning (18 strokes) in Singapore, 2003
Pah Foh Soon, 45, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Pang Kah Yung, 36, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Papayes Doheng, 43, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2005
Paramasivan, K., 32, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2010
Parijan Mohammad, 29, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1996
Parthiban R. Kandasamy, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2000
Peh Thian Hui, 48, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002
Pek Kok Chong, 39, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2014
Perera, Roopasingha Arachchige Anil, 31, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Perez, Charlie Cabo, 32, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Phoon Hui Zhi, Alvin, 22, sentenced to caning (5 strokes) in Singapore, 2015
Poley, Alfred, 18, sentenced to strapping (24 strokes) in Canada, 1931
Poomenathan Govindasamy, 44, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Poovaindran Murugan, 27, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Pravin Kumar, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2003
Pua Sor Keong, 24, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1999
Puar Cheng Kuar, 21, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2000
Puay De Feng, 21, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Purwanto, Henry, 26, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2004
Puspanathan, K., 30, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2005
Qamarul Arifin Sa'adon, Muhammad, 23, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2014
Quah Hong Wee, 33, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Quek He Feng, Bernard, 22, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Rabidin Satir, 42, sentenced to caning (50 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013
Radin Rizwan Radin Rosman, 22, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2014
Raffi Mohamed Kunju, Mohamed, 36, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2006
Raffin Jelan, 37, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2004, having already been caned in the past
Rafizan Mohd Saleem, Mohd, 26, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2004
Ragu Ramajayam, 37, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Rahim Abdul Rahaman, Abdul, 35, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2007
Rahim Basron, 33, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1998
Rahim Basron (see previous item), 43, sentenced to caning again in Singapore, 2009
Rahim Raman Shah, 22, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002
Rahman Muhammad, Abdul, 42, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2005
Raina Hassan, age not stated, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2009
Rais Ripin, Mohammad, 29, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1996
Rakesh Kumar Prasad, 26, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2018
Ramakrishnan, P., 28, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2006
Ramalingam Sakthivel, 33, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2014
Raman, K., 32, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2004
Rambahadur Ramkirpal, 30, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Ramlagan, Keith, 37, sentenced to birching in Trinidad, 2006
Ramlee Basaruddin, 38, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2008
Ramli Ang Abdullah, 47, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 1998
Ramli Muslimin, 40, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2004
Randi Hussin, 27, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2003
Rasikin, Muhammad, 19, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1997
Ravinthiran, J., 36, sentenced to caning in Singapore in 2003, sentence upheld on appeal, 2004
Ravinthran Kalimuthu, 33, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1997
Raymi Ramlee, Muhammad, 18, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2006
Razali Osman, 43, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2014
Razali Pilen, 27, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2003 (two pictures)
Razzie Roslan, Mohammad, 27, sentenced to caning (2 strokes) in Malaysia, 2015
Rena Hassan, 35, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2009
Rengan Balakrishnan, 26, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Retnam, M., 32, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013
Ribas Samsuddin, 23, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2009
Ridhwan Wee Ahmad Jafni, Ahmad, 21, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2015
Ridhwan Ya'acob, 21, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Ridzuan Jamari, Mohammed, 31, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Ridzuwan Sapary, Muhamad, 19, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002
Riezairil Mohd, Mohd, 29, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2005, shown in two different pictures leaving court after sentence
Rizal Mohammad Sidek, Mohammad, caned in Singapore, pictured age 24 at sentencing in 1999, and at age 32 in 2008, going straight as a model employee
Rizuan Rahin, Mohamed,, 28, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Robiul Bhoreshuddin Mondal, 37, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Roslan bin Yusof, 23, sentenced to caning in Brunei, 2000
Roslan Darussalam, Ahmad, 41, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2002
Roslan Dilah, 21, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Roslan Mat Yaman, 31, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2000
Rosli bin Bakri, 47, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2004
Rosli bin Bakri, 47, another picture (at his appeal hearing), 2004
Rosli bin Oyoh, age not stated, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2003
Rosli Sulaiman, 41, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 1999
Rosman Mohd Ismail, 33, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2006
Rozli Ahmad, 27, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1996
Rudy Mohammad, 32, sentenced to caning (5 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013
Rudy Ramlee, Muhammad, 19, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2006
Rudy Wijaya, 23, sentenced to caning in Brunei, 2012
Sa'adon, Mohamed Imran, 16, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1996
Sabir, Mohammad, 27, publicly caned in Pakistan, 1978, two views of his punishment in progress
Safri Koboy, 23, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 1998
Sahari bin Hj Osman @ Hj Othman, 42, sentenced to caning in Brunei, 2002
Sahrizal Suhaili, Mohd, 20, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2008 (three different pictures)
Saifuddin Othman, 18, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Saiful Islam Miah Fazlul Haque, 22, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2005
Salehudden Ibrahim, 22, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002
Salim Madul, 21, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2008
Sallehan Allaudin, 28, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010
Salman Abu Samah, 29, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2008
Salmi Bodul, 22, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2012
Samad Abd Ghani, Abd, 34, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2006
Samian Juri, 35, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Saminathan Subramaniam, 42, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002
Samion Noordin, 47, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2008
Samri Hashim, Muhammad, 29, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2006
Samson Anpalagan, Christopher, 27, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010
Samsuddin Mustamin, 25, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2004
Samynath Marimuthu, 25, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2003
Saravanan, K., 33, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2010
Saravavanan Rajasegaran, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Sari Rambli, 28, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2013
Sarib Habib, 42, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2003
Sarle Steepan Kolundu, 44, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Sashi Kumar Pubalasingam, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2006
Sateesh Kumar Manogaran, 25, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Sathiyaraj Kaundar Muragan, 20, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Satthiyan Anbarasan, age not stated, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Savage, Thomas, 11, birched (10 strokes) for stealing, UK, 1872
Sazali Sujak, 32, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Se Wei Kuang, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore (24 strokes), 2013
Seah Seow Kuan, 46, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2006
Seah Yee Hung, Andrew, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1999
See Ah Pheng, 42, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2006
See Li Quan, Mendel, 19, sentenced to caning (15 strokes) in Singapore, 2019
See Seng Guek, 35, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
See Seng Lok, 33, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002
Seemeko, Kabelo, 23, sentenced to caning in Botswana, 2012
Sekaran, Vekneswaran, 30, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2017
Sekuku, Joel, 21, caned in Botswana (5 strokes), 2013
Selvaraju Jayaselvam, 26, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Selvaraju Satippan, 45, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2004
Seng Inn Thye, 40, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2003
Seow Fook Thiam, age not stated, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1997
Ser Eng Siong, 33, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Shafiee Manshor, Mohd, 26, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2003
Shah Abu Bakar, Mohamed, 39, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Shah Nizam Shamshuddin, Mohd, 20, sentenced to caning in Brunei, 2003
Shah Rizal Morshidi, Mohd, 22, sentenced to caning (13 strokes) in Malaysia, 2015
Shaiful Feroz Rahman, 37, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010
Shamsir Selamat, 21, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2003
Shamsuddin Abdul Rahman, 25, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2004
Sharifpudin Mohamad, 29, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1997
Shariman Alwi, Mohamad, 30, sentenced to caning (5 strokes) in Malaysia, 2013
Sharminan Tangah @ Radin, Mohammad, 23, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2010
Shashi Kumar Narayannan, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Shau Soon Kia, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002
Shawalludin Sa'adon, 28, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2018
Shazwan Sapuwan, Muhammad, 23, sentenced to caning (15 strokes) in Singapore, 2016
Sherrard-Smith, Gavin, 30, flogged in Qatar, 1993
Shi Ai Hua, 48, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1999
Shiu Chi Ho, Andy, 16, caned (6 strokes) in Singapore, 1994
Shiu Chi Ho, Andy, pictured in street before court appearance, Singapore, 1994 (also video clip)
Shiu Chi Ho, Andy, another picture, 1994
Shore, Pete, 16, spanked (15 whacks) in open court, USA, 1962
Shukor Abd Karim, Mohd, 34, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2002
Siang A'en, 34, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2003
Siang (bin) A'en, 35 (see above), at a later court hearing for further offences, Malaysia, 2003
Siang A'en, another picture, after sentencing to further jail and caning, Malaysia, 2003
Sibanda, Clement, 33, sentenced to caning (7 strokes) in Botswana, 2015
Siddharth Mujumdar, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002, pictured in 1999 at age 16 going to court with his father
Sim, Jason, 23, sentenced to caning (2 strokes) in Malaysia, 2014
Siddharth Mujumdar, 20, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002, current picture
Simon, Adrian, 31, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2010
Sing Wee Meng, 33, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2008
Sitthichai Palama, 30, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2003
Sivakumar Magendran, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Sivakumar Selvarajah, 45, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Sivaram Jengham Thevudoo, 34, sentenced to caning (4 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Sliff Romardo Rumpang, 21, sentenced to caning (1 stroke) in Malaysia, 2019
Sng Beng Hwee, Kelvin, 22, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002
So Weng Kei, 27, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2006
Soh Heng Ann, Ricky, 37, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2000
Soh Wee Ping, 21, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Soh Zhi Ren, Alexander, 22, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Solaiyan Arumugam, 26, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Soleh Ahmad Poro, Muhammad, 31, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1997
Sompong Tosungnoen, 44, sentenced to caning in Brunei, 2004
Somrata Sae Tang, 26, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1999
Songsang, Bahari, 48, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 1998
Songsang, Saiful, 21, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 1998
Soon Chen Siong, 32, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2003
Suboh Othman, 24, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2007
Sufian Hussain, Muhammad, 34, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Suffian Tambek, 31, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 1998
Sufian Nordin, 24, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010
Suhaili Elias, 34, sentenced to caning in Brunei, 2003
Suhairi Badron, Muhammad, 24, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Suhardi Ali, 30, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010
Sujoko, 33, sentenced to caning in Brunei, 2012
Sukarman Kadir, 31, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia, 2014
Sulaiman Bidin, 49, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 1997
Sumono Resodimirjo, 36, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2002
Supian Hani Ismail, 47, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2010
Sures Muniany, 27, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2011
Suresh Kamur, D., 37, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2006
Suresh Kannan, 33, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2014
Suresh Nair Vellayutham, 28, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2003
Suresh Nair Vellayutham, 29, sentenced to caning (again) in Singapore, 2004
Suriadi bin Bujang, 38, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2004
Swarup Das, 27, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Sylvester Beragok, 26, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Symes, Robert, caned in Malaysia in 1982 at age 33, here pictured a few years earlier
Tajol Ashikin Tambi, 39, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2012
Tajuddin, Mohd, 27, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2000
Tamilselvan Sagayakumar, 24, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Tan Ah Kiat, John, 19, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1999
Tan Aik Seng, 40, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2000
Tan Boon Ann, 19, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2008
Tan Boon Khoon, 41, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Tan Bun Heng, Benjamin, 34, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2003
Tan Bun Leong, Melvin, 29, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2003
Tan Chee Wei, 22, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010
Tan Ching Leong, 29, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2005
Tan Chye Guan, Martin, 48, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Tan, Darren, pictured now age 34 and going straight, previously received total of 19 strokes of the cane, Singapore, 2013
Tan, Dickson, 20, caned in Singapore, 2007 (and see also this photograph of his caned buttocks)
Tan, Dickson, another picture, 2008
Tan Gee Kang, 36, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2008
Tan Hock Lye, 39, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1997
Tan Hong Aik, 30, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2005
Tan Jack Foo, Jeff, 32, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Tan Jian An, Edwin, 26, sentenced to caning (8 strokes) in Singapore, 2015
Tan Jian Wei, Calvin, 28, sentenced to caning (8 strokes) in Singapore, 2015
Tan Jun Hui, 30, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Tan Keng Huat, 36, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Tan Kian Keong, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2003
Tan Kim Peow, 44, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1997
Tan Kok Leng, Mark, 29, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Tan Kong Chai, 30, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1997
Tan Leong Seng, 47, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2003
Tan, Neivelle, now 62, caned in Singapore prisons in 1958 at age 18, 1959 at age 19, and 1966 at age 26
Tan Ping Koon, 35, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2004
Tan Siew Kwong, Andrew, 48, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2006
Tan Song Peng, 40, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1997
Tan Thian Tiong, 48, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2000
Tan Tian Kwee, David, 40, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002
Tan Wing Keat, 28, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2000
Tan, Vincent, 32, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1997
Tan Yeow Boon, 26, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2008
Tawang anak Jamal, now 34, caned in Malaysia at age c.17 in c.1982
Tay Boon Heng, 29, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1996
Tay Boon Hua, aka Ah Chai, 45, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2004
Tay Chin Heng, David, 36, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Tay Hock Ann, 25, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2004
Tay Hock Soon, 36, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2008
Tay Sau Soon, 33, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2004
Tay Seng Huat, Ivan, 27, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Teng Yew Li, 30, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1997
Teo Bee Keong, 22, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Teo, Jackie, 22, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2008
Teo, Jackson, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2008
Teo Ming, Dave, 20, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2008 (several pictures)
Teo Song Hua, 25, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2011
Teo Zhi Jie, 21, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2016
Tesleem Ahmad Sayed Ahmad, 30, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Tham Kum Fook, 21, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1996
Thanaraj, G., 28, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2012
Thangavelu Tamilselvam, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010
Thanh, Khong Tam, 22, sentenced to caning (8 strokes) in Singapore, 2017
Thia Teck Chye, Harris, 20, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1999
Thomas, Robert, 56, Australian given 300 lashes in Saudi Arabia, 2003
Thong Ah Fat, 33, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Timhar Jimdani Ong, 39, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2006
Toh Huang Shee, Adrian, 19, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010
Toh Kee Eng, 32, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1999
Toh Khiam Hock, 48, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1999
Toh Lam Seng, 36, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Singapore, 2007
Tok Leong Hai, 34, sentenced to caning (21 strokes) in Singapore, 2011
Tok Poh Oon, 36, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2005
Tolwe, Ogolotswe, 33, caned in court (5 strokes) in Botswana, 2019
Tommy Lingga, 21, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Malaysia, 2014
Tonny Goh Esun, 22, sentenced to caning (9 strokes) in Malaysia, 2010
Tsiagana, Thato, 21, caned in court (5 strokes) in Botswana, 2017
Tshipinare, Kopano, 21, caned in court (3 strokes) in Botswana, 2017
Tucker, Derrick, 14, paddled in police station, Illinois, USA, 2004
Tuen Wai Kit, Tuen, 21, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2012
Unnamed woman leaving judicial building after receiving 70 lashes, Iran, 2001
Varatheraaj V. Santrian, S., 33, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2007
Vathada Raju, 34, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1999
Veerapan, K., pictured in 2002 at age 26, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 1997
Velu Silvadorai, 44, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1998
Vicneswaran Subramaniam, 22, sentenced to caning (9 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Vijay Katherasan, Daniel, 27, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010
Vijaykuma V.S. Ahshokumaar, 28, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Vijeratna Pradeep Harsha, 32, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2002
Vincent, Curtis, 39, sentenced to birching in Trinidad, 2005
Visvalingam Vadivelu, 28, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Von Knorre, Andreas, 22, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2015 (also video clips)
Voon Kim Seah, 24, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2000
Vostylie Unun Sampol, 19, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2011
Wafa, Ms Nagla, 39, flogged in Saudi Arabia, 2012
Wan Aminuddin Wan Ismail, aka Ameng, 42, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2011
Wang Fei, 34, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2012
Wang Wenfeng, 35, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Ward, James, 19, sentenced to strapping (24 strokes) in Canada, 1931
Wee Eng Jong, 45, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Welcome, Pete, 17, spanked (15 whacks) in open court, USA, 1962
White, Henry, 25, sentenced to paddling with strap in Canada, 1952
William, Augustine, 23, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Wong Choy Chuan, Simon, 25, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Wong Churn Hoong, 29, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1998
Wong Heng San, 33, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2006
Wong, Johnny, 24, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1996
Wong, Rigel Douglas, 27, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2017
Wong Wing Hung, 33, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1998
Woo Ming Yang, Kevin, 19, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2010
Woods, Robert, 20, sentenced to paddling with strap in Canada, 1952
Worgu, Stephen, age not stated, sentenced to lashes in Sudan, 2009
Wu Zhenhao, Kevin, 30, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Xu Xiang, 20, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1999
Yakob Nboik, 42, sentenced to caning (4 strokes) in Malaysia, 2015
Yang Feng, 30, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2003
Yap Chung Ling, 37, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2006
Yap Eng Heng, 29, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2009
Yap Soon Soon, 29, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2008
Yap Weng Wah, 31, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2015
Yasser Mohamed Ali, age not stated, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1999
Yazid Gani, Mohamad, 29, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2005
Yeo Chong Meng, 27, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2000
Yeo Kwok Hua, 29, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2000
Yeo Leong Hock, 41, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1998
Yeo Leong Hock (see above item), 48, again sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2005
Yio Thiam Hock, 35, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2007
Yim Kar Mun, Stanley, 18, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1997
Yogeshwaran, D., 25, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2007
Yong, Martin, 47, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Yong Kim Shui, 17, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2006
Yong Thiam Hock, 20, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Yong Vui Kong, 25, sentenced to caning (15 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Yongyut Ekanert, 49, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2001
Yoong Hung Siong, 45, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2013
Yubindra Bahadur Tamang, 24, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2011
Yuen Ye Ming, 29, sentenced to caning (24 strokes) in Singapore, 2019 (three different photographs)
Yuli Hananto, 34, sentenced to caning in Brunei, 2012
Yusof Rahmat, Mohamed, 34, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2004
Yusri Hanapi, Muhammad, 20, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 2003
Zaiddi Obeng, 34, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2011
Zaiddi Obeng, another picture, taken at appeal hearing where his sentence was reduced, 2011
Zainal Majid, 40, sentenced to caning in Malaysia, 2006
Zainal Mohamed Zain, 32, sentenced to caning in Singapore, 1996
Zakir Hossain Nurul Hoque, 29, sentenced to caning (9 strokes) in Singapore, 2014
Zameen Abdul Manoff, Mohammed, 22, sentenced to caning (22 strokes) in Singapore, 2009
Zheng Bei, 27, sentenced to caning (1 stroke) in Malaysia, 2004
Zhong Zili, 31, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Singapore, 2005
Zhu Jinfeng, 26, sentenced to caning (4 strokes) in Singapore, 2006
Zubairi Ismail, 23, sentenced to caning (12 strokes) in Malaysia, 2011
Zuki Mohd, 30, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia (3 different pictures), 2005
Zuleffendi Taju Arpin, 28, sentenced to caning (3 strokes) in Malaysia, 2007
Zulhilmi Alias, 21, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2010
Zulkahil Johari, Muhammad, 22, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Singapore, 2009
Zulkarnain Kemat, 37, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2005, also caned previously
Zulkarnain Ramle, 40, sentenced to caning (19 strokes) in Malaysia, 2003
Zulkifly Baseer Ahamad Kan, Mohammad, 30, sentenced to caning (10 strokes) in Malaysia, 2007
Zulkifly Mustafa, 45, sentenced to caning (32 strokes) in Malaysia, 2007
Zulzarezan Noor, Mohamad, 21, sentenced to caning (21 strokes) in Malaysia, 2015
Zuraimi Abdul Rahim, 29, sentenced to caning (6 strokes) in Singapore, 2009
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Page updated November 2023