www.corpun.com : Archive : 2012 : SG Judicial May 2012 |
Today, Singapore, 5 May 2012
Downtown East case: Second youth jailed, ordered to be caned
By Claire Huang
A second youth who was part of a group accused of rioting at Downtown East in 2010 will go to jail and be given six strokes of the cane.
Puay De Feng, now 21 years old, pleaded guilty yesterday to two charges of unlawful assembly and causing hurt in a separate case.
Puay, who was then a gang member, admitted to causing grievous hurt with other teenagers to 19-year-old Darren Ng Wei Jie on Oct 30, 2010, by slashing and stabbing him with knives, choppers and a screwdriver. The victim, who was also a gang member, died of multiple injuries.
Puay also admitted to a separate charge of punching a Korean national, Mr Yoon Sang Jun, at St James Power Station on June 13, 2010.
For rioting, Puay will serve four years and nine months in jail and receive six strokes of the cane. For causing hurt, he will serve three months behind bars. The two sentences will be served consecutively.
Copyright © MediaCorp Press Ltd
Follow-up: 19 July 2012 - Four more youths charged for Downtown East riot
40-second news segment from local TV station MediaCorp Channel 5 (4 May 2012) gives roughly the same information as the above newspaper report, and adds a glimpse of the scene of the crime.
IMPORTANT: Copyright in this video material rests with the original copyright holders. This brief excerpt is reproduced under the "fair use" doctrine
for private, non-profit, historical research and education purposes only. It must not be redistributed or republished in any commercial context.
The Straits Times, Singapore, 31 May 2012, p.40
Jail, cane for NSF turned loan-shark runner
By Elena Chong
Court correspondent
A FULL-TIME national serviceman turned loan-shark runner, setting fire to HDB flats and scribbling graffiti in return for cash.
Jerryl Tuen Wai Kit, 21, yesterday paid a high price for his "job" when he was sentenced to 18 months in jail and six strokes of the cane for harassment.
He committed the offences at Bedok Reservoir Road and Bedok South Avenue 2 on Dec 30.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Teo Lu Jia told the court that Tuen was at a pub in Clarke Quay in early December when he casually told a man that his salary as an NSF was not enough to cover his expenses. The man asked if he was keen to work as a runner for an unlicensed moneylender and passed him a contact number.
Tuen subsequently contacted the loan shark, known as Henry, who offered to pay him $500 each time he set fire to a debtor's residence or scribbled on the walls of staircase landings.
When he received an SMS from Henry on Dec 27, his 23-year-old sister and 17-year-old stepbrother managed to talk him out of it.
Three days later, Henry sent him another text message containing two addresses. When Tuen told his siblings his plans, they tried to dissuade him, but he was persistent. The pair then followed him as they were afraid something untoward might happen to him. They bought three to four cans of Zippo fluid and a bottle of mineral water from a minimart nearby.
While Tuen was carrying out the illegal acts, his sister acted as a lookout while his stepbrother waited at the void deck for his call to flag a taxi. He received $500 for the job and spent the money.
His sister and stepbrother have been given conditional warnings. The pair were yesterday granted a discharge not amounting to an acquittal on two charges each.
Tuen could have been jailed for up to five years, fined up to $50,000 and caned up to six times on each charge.
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