Corpun file 25675 at

Today, Singapore, 4 November 2014, p.4
Law must prevent exploitation from non-genuine cases
Anti-human-trafficking laws passed in Parliament
Prevention through tough penalties, enforcement, best way to address problem: MP
By Joy Fang

SINGAPORE -- Advocates for trafficking victims have criticised the proposed laws to tackle human trafficking for not adequately protecting and supporting victims -- thus deterring them from filing reports. But Member of Parliament (MP) Christopher de Souza, who spearheaded the drafting of the laws, stressed prevention -- through tough penalties and enforcement -- was the best way to address the problem upstream.
Moreover, the authorities must guard against those who sought to exploit the law to, for instance, escape prosecution, said Mr De Souza.
The laws, first tabled by Mr De Souza last month, were passed yesterday, but not before several MPs, echoing criticism previously raised by nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), pointed out that more could be done to provide for victims to ensure they would be given enough assistance, rights to work and protection.
Key aspects of Human Trafficking Act
-- Up to 10 years' jail and a maximum fine of S$100,000 for Trafficking in Persons offences
-- Convicted persons may also face up to six strokes of the cane
-- For repeat offenders, the penalties will be up to 15 years' jail and a maximum fine of S$150,000, as well as mandatory caning of up to nine strokes
Corpun file 25686 at

The New Paper, Singapore, 7 November 2014
He robs man of $85 after losing $3,000 gambling
By Shaffiq Alkhatib
All it took was an hour for Suresh Kannan to lose his salary of $3,000 at the Marina Bay Sands (MBS) casino.
Broke, the 33-year-old decided to tail an Indonesian casino patron all the way from MBS to Sengkang, where he robbed him.
Suresh, a Malaysian, was sentenced to 42 months behind bars and 12 strokes of the cane yesterday, after pleading guilty to one count of robbery.

He admitted to robbing Mr Witasyah Siah between 5.10am and 5.46am on June 2.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Daphne Lim said that Mr Siah, 61, arrived in Singapore at around 6pm on June 1 and went straight to MBS.
Suresh spotted him there changing his money for some chips and decided to follow him.
He had been tailing Mr Siah around the casino for about 30 minutes to an hour, when the Indonesian decided to call it a day at around 5.10am on June 2.
Seeing Mr Siah walk towards a nearby taxi stand to catch a cab, Suresh made his way to his motorcycle.
Suresh then jumped onto his bike and followed the Indonesian in his taxi to Compassvale Link.
He stopped his bike when Mr Siah got off and followed him to Block 275D.
From the first storey, Suresh observed Mr Siah entering a lift and going up to the seventh storey, where his daughter's flat was.
Then Suresh took the same route, and spotted his victim outside the unit.
He approached Mr Siah from behind, covered his mouth and fished out $20 in cash from Mr Siah's pocket.
He also used his motorcycle helmet to hit his victim repeatedly. At least one of the blows landed at the back of Mr Siah's head, causing it to bleed.
In the struggle, the Indonesian dropped his bag, which contained items including $65 worth of chips, a passport and two plane tickets.
Suresh picked the bag up and fled.
Injured, Mr Siah made his way to his daughter's home.
His son-in-law later informed the police about the incident.
Mr Siah, who suffered a cut to his head and tenderness to his left hand, was taken to Changi General Hospital.
Suresh was arrested eight days later.
For committing robbery, he could have been jailed between three years and 14 years, on top of receiving a minimum of 12 strokes of the cane.