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TENNESSEE: private and charter schools
City University Schools, Memphis
• Corporal Punishment Parent Permission Form
This is a group of public charter schools not subject to the ban on CP at ordinary Memphis public schools. They cover grades 6 through 12.
Scholars not compliant with the Code of Conduct "will be subject to disciplinary action, which will include any punitive action from corporal punishment to suspension". Also: "Once it is concluded that disciplinary action must be undertaken, the execution thereof will be swift, decisive and final."
Paddling is apparently the only available penalty for repeated tardiness: "On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th unexcused tardy in a six-week period, corporal punishment will be administered".
In addition, all dress code offenses "are subject to corporal punishment at the discretion of school administration".
Faith Christian Academy, Jamestown [DOC]
Parents must sign that they give the school permission for paddling as a last resort.
Good Shepherd Children's Home, Murfreesboro
"Corporal correction" at this Christian residential institution for ages 5 through 15 consists of a maximum of five "firm strokes to the child's bottom" with "a simple, flat paddle".
Riverside Christian Academy, Fayetteville
"Corporal punishment will only be administered after explicit verbal permission from the student's parent or legal guardian and only as a result
of actions that warrant such a punishment."
Savannah Christian Academy
Paddling at this K-8 school is applied with parent permission. Parents who withhold permission have to sign that they will remove the student from school "and personally administer correction at home".
These Tennessee private schools also state that they use corporal punishment, but give few or no details:
F.C. Boyd Christian School, McMinnville
Christian Academy of the Cumberlands, Crossville
Jackson Christian School
Jonathan Edwards Classical Academy, Whites Creek
Tipton Christian Academy, Covington
Victory Baptist Academy, Shelbyville
TENNESSEE: public schools
Cumberland County Schools (covers Crab Orchard, Crossville, Pleasant Hill, Rockwood)
History: In 2012 this school district switched from an opt-in to an opt-out system for CP, making it the responsibility of parents wishing no paddling to submit a CP exclusion form to the principal within two weeks of enrollment.
Decatur County Schools
• Riverside High School, Decaturville
The pan-district policy says that any teacher may use corporal punishment, as long as it is witnessed by the principal, but the 2021 version of the handbook for Riverside High School (grades 9 through 12) states that "Corporal punishment is administered from one to three licks with a paddle by the principal or vice principal", with another faculty member as witness. It is no longer stipulated that CP must be "in proportion to the gravity of the offense, the apparent motive and disposition of the offender, and the influence of the offender's example and conduct on others. The earlier statement that CP is "used by the school on a regular basis" has also disappeared.
The document also sets out what the school sees as the advantages of CP: it "eliminates students from missing class in suspension or alternative school. It is an immediate punishment and is a way to return the student to class quickly with very little class time lost." Also, "Corporal punishment will only be administered at the student's and parent's request". Conversely, parents may request exemption by filling in the form on page 35, but in that case the alternative will be "in-school suspension, alternative school placement, or out of school expulsion". Such students are asked to "remind the principal that they are on the list not to receive corporal punishment".
Handbooks for the middle and elementary schools do not appear to be available.
Fayetteville City Schools
• Fayetteville High School
This school board's Policy Manual states that CP is a disciplinary option for misbehaviors at levels I, II and III, but not level IV (the most serious).
The High School handbook simply states that CP may be used in accordance with school board policy.
History: See this slightly weird Nov 2005 news item, which if nothing else serves to confirm that a paddle existed at that time in the Intermediate School principal's office.
Gibson County Special School District (covers Dyer, Medina, Rutherford, Trenton, Yorkville)
• Rutherford School
At the K-8 Rutherford School, "A parent has the right to request their child NOT be paddled. [...] By making this request the parents must take an active part in the discipline and immediately take the student home for a 3-day unexcused suspension. This is also the procedure for a student who refuses a spanking."
Hickman County Schools (covers Centerville, Lyles)
In grades K-4, no student will receive more than 3 licks per day. In grades 5-8, parents may choose paddling instead of detention. In this case, six demerits in a 6-week period incur two licks, and 9 demerits three licks. There is no CP for grades 9-12.
Johnson County Schools, Mountain City
See also this Oct 2013 news item and this Nov 2016 one.

Macon County Schools, Tennessee (covers Lafayette, Red Boiling Springs, Westmoreland)
Any teacher may use CP.
Stats: Paddling had fallen into disuse over many years at Macon County High School (grades 9 through 12), but in August 2015 a CP permission form was distributed to parents (pictured right), suggesting an intention to revive it. Sure enough, during 2015/16, 77 of the high school's boys, and 18 of its girls, were spanked on one or more occasions. Meanwhile, no elementary students were paddled.
Marshall County Schools (covers Chapel Hill, Cornersville, Lewisburg)
• Cornersville High School
• Forrest School, Chapel Hill
• Marshall County High School, Lewisburg
Any teacher may deliver a paddling.
At Cornersville High, a "set" of demerits means 8 demerits. For the first set, students receive "3 corporal punishments" or two days in ISS. According to local sources this does not mean three paddle swats, it means nine swats spread over three days. More generally, any teacher may spank, and written parental permission is required only if the student has a disability.
Forrest is a high school (grades 7-12) where students may be spanked for misbehaviors at Levels I, II and III. A parental permission form must be on file.
Marshall County High School has the same provisions as Forrest School, with the addition that "No student will be paddled more than twice during the school year".
McNairy County Schools (covers Adamsville, Bethel Springs, Michie, Ramer, Selmer)
• McNairy Central High School, Selmer
"All corporal punishment will take place in the principal's office." There is a maximum of three licks on the buttocks with a wooden paddle. "A student may be given a choice between paddling or some other punishment that the teacher or principal deems appropriate."
Stats: 122 (of 377) boys and 56 (of 374) girls received a spanking on at least one occasion during 2011/12 at McNairy Central High School.
Putnam County Schools (covers Algood, Baxter, Cookeville, Monterey)
• Monterey High School
• White Plains Academy, Cookeville
Any teacher may apply corporal punishment "in a reasonable manner", the instrument to be used requiring approval by the principal. According to a separate "discipline procedures" document, CP is a suggested response for offenses at levels I, II and III but not level IV (the most serious).
At Monterey High (grades 9-12), CP may be administered for a second or subsequent "major violation" (disruption, forgery, fighting, tobacco, etc.).
White Plains Academy (formerly Dry Valley) is a K-12 alternative school where "paddling" is one of the possible consequences for failure to obey the strict rules.
History: See this May 2007 news item about a paddling at Algood Elementary School.
Scott County Schools (covers Huntsville, Oneida, Robbins, Winfield)
Corporal punishment may be administered "against" [sic] any student, especially for offenses at Level I (the least serious).
History: See this Feb 2015 news item.
Tipton County Schools (covers Brighton, Covington, Drummonds, Munford)
Corporal punishment features at steps 1 and 2 of the discipline procedure. It is also an option at step 1 of the separate bus discipline ladder. Any teacher may paddle, with a witness.
Stats: Some 1,580 students were paddled in Tipton County in 2004/05, but it is a large district, so that is only about 14% of the student roll.
Wayne County School System, Waynesboro
• Collinwood High School [DOC]
• Wayne County High School, Waynesboro [DOC]
Both high schools now merely state that corporal punishment may be administered for "inappropriate" behavior.
West Carroll Special School District
• West Carroll Junior-Senior High School, Atwood
Corporal punishment is offered here, mostly as an alternative to detention, for a wide variety of infractions including skipping school, profanity, horseplay, tardy to class, and accumulating five break detentions within 10 days.
These Tennessee public schools or school districts also state that they use corporal punishment, but give few or no details:
Cannon County Schools, Woodbury
Carroll County Schools, Huntingdon [DOC]
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Elizabethton City Schools (and see this Oct 2013 news item)
Greene County Schools
Jackson County Schools, Gainesboro
• Stats: No CP was recorded at Jackson County High School during 2011/12. But in 2013/14, 48 boys and 5 girls were spanked there.
Lincoln County Schools (covers Fayetteville, Flintville, Petersburg, Taft)
Meigs County Schools, Decatur (Tennessee)
Union City Schools
Union County Public Schools, Maynardville
Warren County Schools, McMinnville
White County Schools, Sparta
• Findlay Elementary School
• White County Middle School
TEXAS: private and charter schools
Alpha Omega Academy, Huntsville
"The headmaster may require restitution, spanking, janitorial work, in-school isolation, parental attendance during the school day with their student, or other measures consistent with biblical guidelines which may be appropriate."
Betesda Christian Academy, El Paso
"Swats" are indicated at this Pentecostal school for fighting, excessive demerits, and violation of the "six-inch rule" (boys and girls cannot be closer than six inches from each other) (page 13). See also page 16: "When warranted, corporal correction will be exercised at school". This is accompanied by a little picture of a paddle.
Bethany Christian School, Plano
"Corporal punishment may be beneficial to some students, but will not be used without the parents' permission."
Center Christian Academy, Center
At this K-12 school there is a maximum of five strokes, to be delivered with "a simple flat paddle".
Covenant Christian Academy, McAllen
The high school handbook provides, "Corporal punishment may be administered at the discretion of the principal." The same provision appears in the middle school handbook.
Faith West Academy, Vidor
"Any parent who wishes to be involved in the administration of corporal disciplinary action to his or her child is welcome to do so in the administrative offices." This is for the elementary grades; a separate secondary handbook does not mention CP.
Family Christian Academy, Houston
In grades 6 through 12, "If discipline problems persist after classroom discipline and parental discipline have been applied, the student's parents may be asked to administer a paddling to the student in the principal's office".
Gateway Charter Academy, Dallas
"Corporal punishment is limited to paddling a student" and is specified only for Group III and IV offenses (the most serious, e.g. defiance, fighting, gambling, tobacco, theft, vandalism and "statements or acts demeaning to a person's race, religion, sexual orientation or ethnicity").
Greenville Christian School
"Corporal discipline will be an option available for students in grades K -6 only."
Humble Christian School, Humble
At this K-12 school, "Students are expected to obey." It "reserves the right to paddle a student when, in the opinion of the Principal, it is necessary. A signed Corporal Correction authorization is a necessary part of the enrollment process. Parents may be given the opportunity to administer the corporal correction themselves". There is a maximum of three swats. Paddling comes after "probation" but before suspension in order of seriousness. It is known anecdotally that high-school students are spanked here for minor dress-code violations and tardies, among other things.
Immanuel Lutheran School, Giddings
A third violation incurs corporal punishment (administered by the principal only after parental contact) or one day's suspension. See also the Registration Form, which clarifies that there is a maximum of three swats per spanking.
Koinonia Classical Christian School, Taylor
"Our discipline policy includes the use of spankings." "A wooden paddle is used, and two swats is the norm."
Liberty Christian School, Argyle
Students in grades 7 to 12 have to sign that: "I pledge to abide by the standards of behavior as stated in the handbook. I also understand and agree that if I violate the standards that are required, I subject myself to the consequences as described therein."
"Level I Offenses" are such things as dress code violations, failure to abide by driving and parking rules, and public display of affection. Students must address adults as "sir" and "ma'am".
Before 2007, the first six Level I offenses in any semester for an Upper School student (grades 9 through 12) resulted in either a warning or detention, above which probation was the next step; corporal punishment was not specified. But from school year 2007/08, after the first two offenses by an Upper School student further warnings were eliminated and the paddle made available, either to substitute for, or to supplement, detention. Starting with an Upper School student's third Level I offense in any semester, he or she will serve detention, be given a spanking, or both. Likewise, a first Level II offense results in "detention, corporal punishment, or combination."
According to local sources, misbehaving high-school athletes are paddled by the Athletic Director.
Llano Christian Academy
At this K-12 school, "a signed Corporal Correction authorization is a necessary part of the enrollment process. Parents may be given the opportunity to administer the corporal correction themselves." There is a maximum of three strokes. The handbook also states, all in bold caps, that "CORPORAL PUNISHMENT MAY BE APPLIED AT ANY LEVEL OF DISCIPLINE".
MAG Christian Academy, Orange
The Corporal Punishment Permission Form (7th page of the registration packet) at this K-12 school states, "Corporal punishment will be administered by spanking the buttocks, no more than three (3) times, of a student that will cause no more than temporary pain and not inflict permanent damage to the body." Spanking authorization remains in effect until high-school graduation, unless the parent revokes permission.
Plainview Christian Academy, Plainview
This K-12 school reserves the right to paddle boys and girls. Parents are asked to come to the school to carry it out, or they may delegate this task to administrative staff. "If parents do not want their child spanked at all, three days of detention will be given in lieu of each swat earned." In 5th and 6th grades, "one swat" plus one week of cafeteria duty is the penalty for accumulating one demerit point, and "two swats" for 2 points. At the High School (grades 7 through 12) just 1 demerit point incurs two swats.
The section on Athletic Policy states that "Any talking back to coaches or arguing may result in extra practice and limited playing time, dismissal from the team, or corporal punishment".
Rhodes School for the Performing Arts, Houston
At this K-8 charter school, only administrators may administer CP, with parent permission. "Swats are administered to a student's buttocks only. At no time will swats be administered to any other area of a student's body." There is a parental opt-in/opt-out form. Parents are notified beforehand.
Stats: 5% of the students were paddled in 2011/12.
Victory Christian Academy, Decatur (Texas)
"Paddling" (the words "corporal punishment" are not used) is an option for serious offenses such as cheating, fighting and disrespect. It must be done in the office, by an administrator not a teacher. Parents must have given signed consent. There is a maximum of three swats at any one time.
The following Texas private or charter schools also state that they use corporal punishment, but give few or no details:
Calvary Baptist School, Conroe
Calvary Chapel Christian Academy, Universal City
Calvary Christian School, Harlingen
Excel Christian Academy, Powderly
Lubbock Christian School
Regents Academy, Nacogdoches
San Angelo Christian Academy
• History: See this Aug 2010 news item.
Solid Rock Christian Academy, Corpus Christi
Strickland Christian School, Austin
• Enrollment Contract