Corpun file 24418 at
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, New York, 28 February 1937
Solomon's Spanking Suggestion Discloses Machines That Do
German Authority on Subject Discovered Here Trying to
Organize International Trust to Market Devices for Punishing Bad
Boys, as Magistrate Proposed in Lieu of Jail Sentences for Minor
Traffic Law Violations
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Magistrate Charles Solomon's reluctance to send to City Prison
boy violators of the traffic laws and his expressed preference
for some sort of spanking machine in cases where the fine cannot
be paid, led yesterday to an investigation of the sale and
utility of such punitive devices.
There is, it was revealed, active competition between backers of
devices that rotate spanking blades for contact with boys and
sponsors for those that rotate boys for contact with the blades.
There is also keen international competition for sales in the
more extensive American field, and that discovery in turn
uncovered engineering uncertainty over standard designs of
spankers that would meet the problems raised by the varying
spankable contours of the German boy and the American boy.
"I repeat," Magistrate Solomon said yesterday,
"that I would rather see a spanking machine used on boys of
16 or 17 who violate traffic rules and cannot pay, than see them
sent to Raymond St. jail."
He refrained from digging up a variation of the old one and
saying that the jail and the spanker both hurt but not in the
same place.
Warden Frederick L. Morehead of the City Prison in Raymond St.
looked at his records and stated emphatically that he has not one
case of youthful violators of traffic laws in his charge.
"Have these ever been a problem for your jail?"
"Never," replied the warden.
He had no views on the spanker issue, but a veteran attache at
Raymond St. murmured that he thought it would do more good than
That this is a general opinion is evidenced in the fact, revealed
by further inquiry, that there has been an attempt in recent
months to float stocks of foreign spanking-machine manufacturers
here, to obtain concessions and in other ways to lay the
foundation of an international spanker trust.
The representative of the German manufacturers here, who
declined the use of his name because he said he loves boys too
much to have them think harshly of him even while the blades on
his product are whirling, explained the situation.
He is a professor who has devoted a life of study to the spanker
and he has written learned works on the subject. He finds the
international trust difficult of formation because of the
reluctance at the American public to use any but American
"For one thing," said the professor, "it is not
so much a matter of the excellence of the mechanical device but
of the contour of the American boy as he reposes, expectantly, in
the spanker, contrasted with that of the German boy viewed from
the same point of vantage.
"It would require, I fear, a too expensive remaking of
German standard machines to take up this deviation in spanker
contour. Our scientists are trying to solve that problem. I have
monthly reports."
Suggested Solution Spurned
"But, Professor, would it not be possible to scale down
the German boy and arrive at a new international code, as in
other matters of weights and measures?" was asked.
"The magnitude of that task is appalling, sir," the
professor replied. "Have you seen our native German
spankable boys?"
'"What is the preferred American apparatus?"
"The sensation of the market is the Little Giant Duplex
Spanker. It accommodates two boys at a time. It is made,
appropriately enough, In South Bend."
"Is that not the concern that manufactures the Little Giant
Duplex Pea Splitter?"
"Precisely. It was the spread of the sale of that device,
which splits, with one descent of the great electrically driven
cleaver, not one pea but two, which led to the increase In
popularity abroad of that great American delicacy -- split pea
soup. A recent addition to this invention sends whirling discs
through a slice of toast and instantaneously furnishes a store of
the croutons that add zest to this soup.
How Spanker Works
"As to the spanker, it has rotating, non-rigid blades,
which, when the boys are placed at the proper heads-down angle,
establish, using either direct or alternating current, proper
contact with one of the two objects of its activity, then yields
and swings back swiftly, contacting in similar manner the next
"Invaluable for twins identical in size, the Duplex is
adjustable for varying sizes. An automatic meter displays and
records the total of such contacts. Indeed, it is so adjustable
that a parent may place in position the boy or boys and leave
them, assured that the Little Giant will cease activity and
release the boy or boys after having reached a dialed
As its name implies, this is a comparatively small device for the
magnitude of the work. Le Fanneur, the French two-boy spanker, is
far more elaborate. The blades are of rigid metal composition.
The boys rotate, counter clockwise, and not the blades.
Accident spoils sale
"An unfortunate thing happened at the first Fanneur
demonstration in this country," the professor explained.
"The sales engineer whom it was proposed to interest in
floating the device, which requires an installation comparable to
that of a Hoe printing press and a crew to operate it, slipped on
the tread of the mezzanine balcony from which it is possible to
observe the subject with the machinery in motion, and felt into
the rotator. His struggles to escape made it dangerous to turn
off the current, and he took his spanking until in desperation he
blew out the fuse, his temper and the possibility of a sale, all
at once. No, I fear the Americans want their own, in spankers as
in everything else."
Magistrate Solomon, in the case before him last week that caused
his remark about spanking machines as preferred to fines, found
no recourse but to exact the financial penalty. He cut it to
bargain rates. The boy was guilty of driving without a license,
speeding and falling to keep to the right. He could not have
escaped jail had the full fines been exacted. He finally paid
$22, which is $33 less than the maximum.
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