www.corpun.com : Video clips : School CP: Swaziland |
This two-minute video clip is many years old, possibly c.2000. It is an extract from a British TV documentary about a village school in Swaziland (now renamed Eswatini). In a classroom with a serious atmosphere, a girl gets five strokes of the cane on the seat of her skirt for writing in a textbook. Later, during breaktime, more light-heartedly, a lady teacher briskly canes several boys and girls for not doing their homework. But the boy who apparently is the main subject of the programme manages to sneak away unpunished. School corporal punishment remains lawful in Swaziland, unlike in South Africa which mostly surrounds it. HERE IS THE CLIP:
IMPORTANT: Copyright in this video material rests with the original copyright holders. This brief excerpt is reproduced under the "fair use" doctrine |
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