Mali - public flogging. Two video clips.
One-minute extract from a BBC news feature (June 2012) about the takeover of previously moderate-Muslim northern Mali (north-west Africa), including Timbuktu, by Islamist jihadists. They have immediately implemented Koranic punishments, and this clip includes amateur video footage of a man being publicly flogged for drinking alcohol. He is being held by his arms by two men and whipped on his back by a third, amidst a baying crowd.
This video clip is not currently available.
IMPORTANT: Copyright in this video material rests with the original copyright holders. This brief excerpt is reproduced under the "fair use" doctrine
for private, non-profit, historical research and education purposes only. It must not be redistributed or republished in any commercial context.
Extract (1 min 20 secs) from a TV news clip on France 2 television (June 2012). Like the previous clip, this is about the Islamist takeover of Timbuktu and consequent introduction of Shariah law, but this public flogging is for adultery. The French reporter's voiceover commentary states that a large crowd has turned up in the town square, summoned by Ansar Dine fighters. The "judge" says through a loudspeaker that a man and a women are to be punished for having sex outside marriage. This, the reporter continues, has become a routine event since the Islamists took over. First we see the woman, named Sebou, being whipped as she kneels in the sand. Operators take turns to administer the punishment on the back, giving 100 lashes in total. She begs for mercy but to no avail, and nobody amongst the onloookers dares intervene, the reporter notes. Then it is Amarada's turn: he is a jobless cook aged 23. He too gets 100 strokes. They have had an illegitimate child. An ambulance stands ready to take them to hospital. The couple, concludes the reporter, have now been married by the same judge who imposed the whipping sentence.
In the film we can see that the man is whipped in a standing position, and the strokes are applied variously to his legs, buttocks and back.
This video clip is not currently available.
IMPORTANT: Copyright in this video material rests with the original copyright holders. This brief excerpt is reproduced under the "fair use" doctrine
for private, non-profit, historical research and education purposes only. It must not be redistributed or republished in any commercial context.