This clip gives a brief view of a school paddling. Five secondary lads in an unusual striped-blue-shirt uniform are lined up in a corridor in the classic Korean "push-up" stance (hands on the floor, bottom in the air) for three very brisk strokes each across the seat. Each boy jumps up and walks away immediately after being disciplined. This looks like a routine minor punishment.
Because the teacher is positioned between the camera and the students, most of the action in detail is heard rather than seen. But in one frame (right) the paddle can be glimpsed in the teacher's left hand.
Duration: 20 seconds
Date: Aug 2007 (not 2010 as captioned at start of clip)
In this clip, a teenager has adopted a push-up stance at the front of the class. He is being vigorously rulered across the seat of his jeans in front of the class by a female teacher. The implement does not look heavy enough to cause all that much pain. There is some laughter from the class. Mysteriously, he then walks out of the classroom with the teacher. The picture quality is poor.
Here we see a secondary boy receiving a firm paddling of ten swats on his rear end. He has been made to adopt the usual Korean "push-up" posture at the front of the class. The teacher wields the paddle (it may actually be a metre rule) with both hands.
This shows a student aged about 16 standing with his hands on the blackboard to receive three swift whacks across the seat of his jeans. The implement being wielded by his lady teacher is a round stick, too thick and rigid to be called a cane in the British sense; this seems to have been a common disciplinary tool in Korea. The soundtrack is faulty, but the impact of the three strokes is clearly heard. There is a brief discussion between the boy and the teacher before the punishment is administered.
This video is of inferior technical quality. Despite the faulty soundtrack, we can hear these three high-school boys shout out in pain as they each receive five strokes of the cane across the posterior while holding the classic Korean push-up stance. There is also some random shouting and tittering going on in the background, perhaps from the people making the film (to whom the teacher seems oblivious), but the punishment itself is clearly serious.
A video made at, we think, a private high school in South Korea. The setting is the school's gym or hall. A senior student is being disciplined, supposedly for repeatedly neglecting to bring his gym kit to school. He is bending over a low table to receive 30 swats with a thin paddle across the seat of his fashionably "skinny" beige trousers. The swats are not particularly hard. We can hear other students playing badminton through the open door to the next room, who presumably can hear what is going on but are evidently taking no notice.
In this one-minute film from 2010 or earlier we see two high-school boys summoned to the front of the class for a vigorous caning on the seat of the pants. The first receives 8 strokes, the second 13. Both can be seen to be grimacing in pain. The brisk readiness with which each assumes the typically Korean push-up position suggests they are very familiar with this kind of punishment. The second boy interrupts himself before taking up the stance to have a brief discussion with the teacher, possibly about how many strokes he is going to get.
A boy aged perhaps 16 has been made to stand at the front of the class with his hands on the wall. His youngish lady teacher administers 20 rapid-fire strokes of the cane across the seat of his trousers. Both parties give the impression that this is a routine, everyday event. The teacher carries out her task with brisk, no-nonsense efficiency. At the end of the punishment the student dutifully returns to his place, grimacing in pain and clutching his buttocks. We don't see the rest of the class but they sound to be all boys and they are very rowdy, although the atmosphere feels matter-of-fact rather than jocular.