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School CP - March 1998
Samoa News (via Pacific Islands Report), 8 March 1998American Samoa bans public school corporal punishmentPAGO PAGO, American Samoa (March 8, 1998 - Samoa News)---The Director of the American Samoa Department of Education (DOE), Laloulu Tagoilelagi, has banned the practice of corporal punishment (flogging) in all public schools, period. The Director's orders are contained in a February 13, 1998 memorandum, obtained last week by the Samoa News. "No one is allowed to administer corporal punishment on any student at any time during school hours or after school functions including sports," instructed the DOE Director to his top staff. He added that anyone who violates the new policy, which supersedes any previous Education Department policy, will be dealt with accordingly. According to a DOE spokesperson, Laloulu's memorandum was prompted after several Samoana High School parents personally registered their complaints with the Director over the corporal punishment practices at the high school. Stories from the SAMOA NEWS, American Samoa's daily newspaper, may not be republished without permission. To contact the publisher, send e-mail to samoanews@samoatelco.com
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