www.corpun.com : Archive : 2013 : TO Schools Apr 2013 |
Corpun file 24435 at www.corpun.com Kaniva Pacific, New Zealand, 8 April 2013 Pacific Ways Teenage students harshly spanked in TongaBy Kalino Latu
The graphic and violent video was first uploaded into YouTube in the beginning of last week titled as Corporal punishment carried out in Tonga College Atele by a person known to be Faa-ko Fieme'a but YouTube removed it later on Thursday afternoon saying it violates their policy of prohibiting content. The Kaniva Tonga News Website after receiving various links for the video from anonymous senders re-uploaded the tape onto its website after YouTube's removal. Commenters on Facebook say they are really shocked to see the video which apparently shows students ages approximately 13 to 17 years old being lined up and in turn repeatedly receiving severe spanks because of a telephone mobile [sic] belonging to one of the senior boys had allegedly [been] stolen. The 19 minute video tape is said to have been taken in an incident that happened in 2011 at Tonga College where the spanking was made by some senior students understood to be prefects of the college. Students at schools in Tonga are used to being severely spanked but parents have not had the opportunity to see how their children are being beaten as what [sic] they have now experienced in this video tape. Some Tonga College ex-students called on the Kaniva Tonga news website to remove the video as they are hugely embarrassed for being at the centre of people's anger and negative comments on social media networks. Opponents of the removal of the tape believed that this is an opportunity to attract worldwide attention and thus influence Tonga's authorities to urgently address this issue. The practice is culturally acceptable in Tonga as a form of discipline but the law does not condone spanking at school. © 2013 Kaniva Tonga Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
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